he LOG Collingwood Shapyerce has been awarded a con- tract Dy Canadian 0il Companies, Ltd., to build aj,ganker to dimensions of 3,8/6" (Ok) x 46" X or6n es Paterson's NEW QUEDOC sank in Midland harbor Dec. 17 when sea valves were inadvertently open- ri will be effected at Cob- lingwood this wint Steamer was loaded with storage grain at the time of the mishap. nterlake steamer ARCTURUS was sold by huria Bros. to Christiania Spigerverk, a Norweg- n firm, for dismantling in that country. The Hog eatin reported the qescel coins scrapped in Ita. The ie of two 291-foot newsprint carriers under construction at Collingwood for Paterson, the MONDOC (iii) was launched Oct. 31, and her sister, | the ‘LAWRENDOt The y 161 "Log" “reported a “730-footer CAS er eer at the Davie yard, Lauzon, CSL. It now develops the a easciets building ton Hall Corporation. CSL's package freighter CITY OF WINDSOR was towed to Stelco's Hamilton, Ont., plant on Nov. 21, where she will be brok: . Port Weller Dry de, is building a Walter Crosbie & Co., Ltd. The sie enecret cra: feet havea ers cabins aft and be ready for service Rext sp. Motor Coapanyts “BENSON FORD is scheduled pceliaanion fa jo announce- s to ae en this project will involved. weather. Canadian Lakehead for re- damaged wheel in heavy quently towed to the pairs and layup. Former Paterson freighter SUGARLAND (a.GANAN- DOC) grounded on Areas Reef, Campeche Bay, Mexi- co, Nov. Abandon Tew. rom een Losteacoaicoss Mexico: Act canoe of pho; joric rock. ish aaltys WESTRIVER (a.KONGSTEN, b. ATHELGHTER) frequent lakes vi: ore and was damaged in stern cabins by ‘ire at Rotterdam in late Nov of Wilson Marine Transit's bulk car- Tes ners been. laid yy ae Toron’ ve. ae eporace joybeans. Vessels C.L.AUSTIN (Witla Le ihc) BF. ES (a.GENERAL GaRREr- LAS i, c.POWHATAN, d, CHARLES Pat) ahd” ALESNETTLEPONS aser-Nelson Shipbuilding converting witson's FRANK, Re” DENTON (2. FuowAS WALTERS) tS an Ae burner & O's CHECACO RT BUNE (a. eee) will be aoe at Port ler D: t "d Mise- ner's ROYALTON will be pepouvered as turbine repowered. Paterson's canaller CARTIERDOC has been laid was tentatively to vesse Hall Corporation's building at Port Glasgow American Export Lines! three in the company's lake operations, have seen their last trips. The steamers EXANTH EXIRIA and eee 18 eas b.EMPIRE ORIOLES have been soli shipbreaker. The dre age “CARTAGENA (a, JACK MCARDLE) under self-unloader cargo liners active tow from adrift in severe rewmen abandoned (Standard Dredging Co. ve en in tow six days fate eo tar FOUNDATION VIGILANT, of Halifax, NeSs CARTAGENA was working until late October on the Southeast Bend Cutoff in lower St.Clair River. Bill 11 Luke CONTRIBUTORS Al Bradley, Detroit; Arnold Demp- ster, Collingwood; ‘Jim Kidd, Tor- onto; John Nelson, Sheboygan, and Paul Sherlock, St.Catharines. The old ROBERT L. IRELAND has ta~ job. You wouldn't rec- new role as part ing dry dock at oo Shigbuliding & at Superior, 434! ting capacity of Co., Inc., Wis, he new deck is 20 wath s 1a ons. Docking wells is 377 X (OA) X 54 X 1,200 ne first lift was Army Engineers dipper dredge COL. D.D. GATLLARD a an Engineers dump scow at onc