"he American Ship ore has announced that plane are underway for d of a 900-foot ake supercarrier. portedly contemplating use o. re carriers of this class. To be made feasible by replacement ©: e e Lo he Si ement of orders for eth. The Nicholson CHARLES BEATTY b.USONA e.PORT DE S' a san Toth steamer IRONWOOD (a. ceBAYUSONA, d.ROSLYN, T.MALO, £.USONA) is being reduced to and asl barge at Toledo by owner Mike nouncement that the steamer WYANDOTTE will self-unloaders of the Wy- andotte fleet are to be sold to Columbia Trans- portation The Lake Michigan carferry ANN ARBOR NO. 3 has been sold to the John Bnlveae interests of Manistee for conversion to a_barg: eoch's newly-acquired self-unloader FRED A MANSKE = (a.HARRY YATES i, b.CONSUMERS POWER ai) r service this Spring as LEADALE. R. ee (a.EMPIRE CITY) has been re- aaa 1 jon & Co., Ltd., launched Hall ‘or porat: eiontie 10,000-ton diesel-propelled self Gaibene HALLFAX (not HALIFAX) at Port Glasgor on Feb. Cc & O's “ferry CITY OF SAGINAW ete puma ere nt turbine repairs recently at joc. The January '62 Log erroneously repor ceca chis stea- mer slated peo conversion to diesel this winter at Manitow new Canadian lake operator, Nipigon Trans- port, Ltd., will enter the scen: re his pgeason. The Compan y, comprising both areata an Ame: ican grain interests, “has Fhe 2. NIVOSE. Fa TABS LE ROCK) under conversion to 730-foot laker at Blythewood Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Glasgow. In- volved in conversion of former tanker is scrap- er cabins in an operation Dock's recent RED WING” Pre seers a To service early this season, steamer has been re- shetevened LAKE WINNI Eastern Lake- Carriers* (Papachristidis) 730- LOG Ped MOHTREALER. completing at Canadian Vickers, lontreal, will enter eorvice this spring as the MONTREALATS- Funds mstruction of this vessel provided by Hiram Valker. ELC is under construc- 0 ke: Financed by Canadian General Electric, the vessel is tentatively to bear the name QUEBECOIS. Gompletion is scheduled for ear. At St.John, N.B., two 730-foot lakers for operation by msteitet? interests are under nstruction , financed by Canadian General, Electric begin service this spring as HAMILTON NilWeu thetseconivcarciemitic nced by Captain Morgan Rum Distillers, Ltd., (Seagram's) eae laid down Feb. 45 and portedly be christened NEW BRUNSWICKER. ranch Lines' MAPLEBRAI ua arrived Montreal ht from Sor © load fuel oil Areiyal. marked earliest Mont- real opening in h: Continental brn Storage fleet of obso- lete American lakers at Buffalo c screw pull a nd package freight er will be (OA) X 42 X 20, of 2000 tons deadweight and be Propelled by 2300-bhp diesel. -ton der- ks one 30-ton crane will handle cargo in ns Se urgeon Bay Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Con has contract for $20 ferry to replace I the ee evetzcbeaver Island ae livery is slated for mid-Jun skindivers Tocated the ill-fated Dee In October Hanna steamer CHARLES S. PRICE in 45 feet of water, 12 miles north o; e Blue Water Bridge ind approximately three miles east of ‘2 channel, The broken low sur- coal-laden c: luron bound on Nov. 9, 1913, enroute from seryatula e CONTRIBUTORS: cone! a. acs Frederickson, Frank- a Greenwood, Cleve- tend! Pm .M id, Toronto, and John ’Neison, Eensbeseane NEWEST ADDITION to the Ford Pieces nee fleet will be the 18,500-ton C1 HUTCHINSON, Ford has e: Srea an peas: HUTCHINSON, presently in winter berth at Buffalo, aken ov a F crew late in Ma: id sailed te Toledo enter service with the Ford fleet in mid-April. e HBTCHINSON was built in 1952 by Defoe" Shipbuilding of Bay City and has a £ 67 feet and draft of 24.3 fect. Before epee rane the Ford service, the HUTCHINSON will rechristened. Her new name has not. ae been announced. m 7 ©