Che Detroit Marine Historian JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT Curtis Haseltine William A, McDonald Editor William J, Luke Associate Editor - History 13951 Faust Associate Editor - Current 3303 Vicksburg Detroit 23, Mich. 1323 Northlawn Detroit 6, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Canadian Associate Editors hn H. Bascom James M. Kidd 100 Whitehall Rd, 83 Humberview Rd, Toronto 5, Ont, Toronto 9, Ont. Volume 15, No. 9 May, 1962 A FOREST OF MASTS on the Belle River at Marine City shortly after the turn ef the century when schooners spread their white sails on the Lakes, carrying shows A. P. Kenyon's Shipyard,1903. the commerce of the nation. This scene