ue is Haseltine 1598 mere 3, » Mich. David Glicl Tice ‘Presiden 20945 We Chicago Detroit 28, Mich. woe A aed i578 SCleveland Lincoln Park, Mich. Robert, aad znik Secreta: 877 University Pl. Grosse Pte., Mich. Our annual Spring meeting at Amherstburg is scheduled fer Saturday, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. Many members like te enjoy the hospitality of our hosts, Dave and Mrs. Botsford, for a pic- nic on the Fort Malden Museum grounds in the afternoon as well. your own luncheon, coffee will be furnished. Entertainment will consist of a showing of members! Bring color slides. Please bring a selection of 10 of your best slides and give them te Dave Glick or Jim Morris before the meeting. NO BALLOTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS MEETING. They will already have been counted before the meeting and the results will be IT'S BOB-LO time again!!! The Columbia and the Ste. Claire are back on the run between Detroit and Bob-Lo Island and you can bet a lot of members of the Marine Historical Society will be right up there in the bow almost every Sunday morning to keep track of what's go- ing on along our River. announced. ALGOMAH II downbound from Cheboygan for conversion at Cleveland to a charter passenger boat pictured as she passed Harsens Is- land. She will be opera- Wasac Waterways, Inc., of Cleveland. Con- version to cost $100,000, will include dining room and cocktail lounge and a glass enclosure around the engine room,