The Detroit Marine Historian > JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT Curtis Haseltine William A. McDonald Editor William J. Luke Associate Editor - History 13951 Faust Associate Editor - Current 3303 Vicksburg Detroit 23, Mich. 1323 Northlawn Detroit 6, Mich, Birmingham, Mich. Canadian Associate Editors H. Bascom James M. Kidd 100 Whitehall Rd. 83 Humberview Rd. Toronto 5, Ont. Toronto 9, Ont. Volume 15, No. 11 duly, 1962 HAPPY CREW on the Marine Historical Society's 1962 ASSINIBOIA cruise lined up for Ken Smith's camera -- and there, held aloft by Jim Morris, Tommy Smith and Bill Luke, is the Society's new house flag, featuring a stylized whaleback, the design of Gordon Bugbee. All aboard report a successful cruise. No one went hungry and they brought back a full cargo of interesting experiences and phote- graphs of the boats they saw and the places they visited.