Curtis Haseltine David Glick John Campbell Robert naa Pre Pare Vice President Treasurer Seerets 13951 Fau: 20945 We Chicago 1575 Cleveland 877 Untvérasey Bs Detroit 3° Mich. Detroit 28, Mich. Lincoln Park, Mich. Grosse Pte. Herewith some more of George Ayoub's salties, hoe at the Iroquois Lock, with Ayoub's own captions giving the information we all want to know about these Seaway visitors, Lake Winnipeg (b.Nivose, '62,a.Table Rock TEE) Testanker. Built, 1943,Pércland,Ore., by eth, * “island tnt Dr Heinrich) Built, Kaiser Co.Inc, Rebuiit,1962,and converted 9380810, by Ny re ame aes es to bulk carrier,with new midsection by Blyth- 41.1 ee eG fee nd gxpangion , iaereperetorrs deck} bas; reser ie 2580 den cyl ee eo 33a" x 334" & Faaiiamis OMIRRCEELCORAE MARMOT eh. Uo sce Seen mi gtiR. gearing & wyaraulic coupling, Steam turbine engine, connected to elec. motors by Nylandg Verks, Oslo. sc yaoamers Pinska rae by General Electric to. Owners; Nipigoi Fiskeri AJB. yay |» Nor ° Transport Ltd. 0/¥., Lovisa, Finland St.Lawrence Lilt betas ne Troquois,Ont. St stew enoere Seaway, Lock #7, Iroquois, (nt. Sept.23,1962. First trip,bound from Seven dune 2l,,1962 slands to Cleveland with’ iron ore cargo. Irish Oak MS, Built, 19095 phieldas by J Dagan MS,Built,1954,by H.C.Stulcken Sohn. Readhead & Sons Ltd., f ish shipping Fe ace ia Israel Hav, o o.,Haifa,Israel. Dim Ltd. Dublin, Irish epanicee im 5 3ese1l" x 53.4! '"? Tonnage; 5099 gross, X heh? Te 2813 net” 7000 d'w.” Powered Gy Dicccl on ine 2 Sk.6 cyl. 700 x 1200 mm. ,by Masch. ugebure furnbere, Augsburg. 4000 hp. nots. St.Lawrence Seaway ,#7, Lock, Iroquois,Ont. St.Lawrence Seaway,Lock #7, Iroquois, Ont. June 3,1962, July 1,1962. NOTE: The Raed of BELVERA and LUKA BOTIC were woes n last month's edition of the Historian