FRANK WILKINSON Photo by Paul Sherlock SHIPS THAT FRANK WILKINSON (Can. 161524) was a steel bulk freighter built as hull number 635 by NEVER DIE Barclay, Curle and Company, Ltd., at Whiteinch (Glasgow) Scotland in 1929 and laun- # 136 ched as FAIRRIVER. The vessel's dimensions were 253' X 43' X 18'; gross tonnage was 1940 and net tonnage 1160. Power plant consisted of a 750 I.H.P. triple-expansion engine with cylinders of 15", 25" and 40" diameters with a 33" stroke. Steam was supplied by two Scotch marine boilers, each measuring 10'1" by 10" 10", Built for Fairport Shipping, Ltd., and operated by the Jenkins Fleet, she was sold to Misener interests in 1932, Under Misener ownership she was to sail in three different fleets, namely, Huron Steamships, Ltd., Sarnia Steamships, Ltd., and Colonial Steamships, Ltd. In 1944 she was renamed FRANK WILKINSON in honor of the prominent Toronto admiralty lawyer who handled much of the legal work for the Misener fleets. Arriving at Port Dalhousie, Ont., in the spring of 1959, she went into permanent lay-up, a victim of the Seaway demand for larger ships. Then, ,in August, 1962, she was towed into the nearby dry dock where she was cut up for scrap by the Newman Steel Company, Ltd., of St. Cathar- ines, Ont. Paul Sherlock ARTIST'S CONCEPTION of the conversion of Wilson's HORACE S, WILKINSON to a barge for the bulk ore trade. Note barge being pushed through restricted channel. It is equipped for towing when passing through the open lakes. (See the Log, P.2)