ALVAH S. CHISHOLM, JR. at Kelleys Island North Dock, loading limestone for Cleveland about 1907. Photo from the collect- ion of Captain Frank E. Hamilton. SHIPS THAT This one died hard. Two minor and NEVER DIE one major operations and a tough # 138 end. 107557 ALVAH S. CHISHOLM, JR. Wood. 435 Gross. 152' X 35' X 8', built at Marine City by Alexander Anderson for John Corrigan, Marine City. She went overboard into the Belle River one February morning, 1900, $35,000. She was built with removable compartments on deck for carry ing sand. Twin screw, one engine had more power than the other. They were both Fore and Afts 12"- 22" X 12" and 12"-20" X 10' with two Firebox boilers 14' X 8', Louie Miller, the engineer, used to tell what a hell of a time they had trying to synchronize these engines, the lit- tle one never could catch up with the big one. She was a misfit all the way around. She was sold Aug. 14, 1900, to the Kelly Island Lime and Transport Company, Cable E. Gowen, president, Cleveland. She was rebuilt for the trade. engines and replaced stone They took out the two them with one from the steamer OHIO, making a single screw of her. Dan Henderson was the Master. He was later Harbor Master at Cleveland for years after 1910. She towed the Barges 155179 OHIO and 35598 DAVID MORAN in the Kelleys Island stone trade. ,About the last stone she carried was when she hauled the the fill of the White Shoal Crib, Lake Michigan, the season of 1909. She was converted to a sandsucker at Sand- stone for usky, winter of 1909-10,center gunwale, pumps, suction hose, etc. Came out spring of 1910. Peter Fowler was the Master. By 1930 the boilers would not pass inspect- ion. She was sold March 16 to Lampe Construc- tion and Trading Co., Lorain, used as a barge. Big Ed Lampe towed her with the tug ZARKIN. She was turned back to the Kelly Island Lime and Transport Company and lay idle at Sandus- ky. Dec. 17, 1940, her document was surrend- ered there. She was sold to Ward and Wheeler shipbreak- ers, Sandusky, boilers, pumps, machinery were removed. May, 1941, she was towed to Sandus- ky's upper bay to be used as a dock at Plast- erbed. Being full of water, she fetched up about a half mile from the dock site, and be- fore she could be pumped out, the kids set fire to her. So ended the CHISHOLM, except the outboard motor boats have a pasttime running over the wreck. When the sun is in the west and the light is good, you can see the hull. There is enough fishing tackle hanging on her to start a sporting goods store. Captain Frank E, Hamilton