"The The Interstate Commerce Conndsercn has ap- out $31 for rail oved an ave: cartage of new automobiles pa Detroit to Albany, which will sharply curtail the busi- ness of icCarthy Steamship Company, ie le effective next spring. rate, including both water cartage to Buffalo transport to Albany, is about $63 car. The last ce the famed Hehe eters of juckeye Steamship's ey Company. een towed fi Cleveland to Milwaukee where she will be sunk for use as a breakwater in connection with construction of a sewage pipeline. ‘apt. Robert Scott Misener, co-founder. peeetceny and general manage: aoe of cott Mise- teamshi ips, Ltd., died at Port Colborne on ae 3e was to have Deen honored as Great Lakes Man of the Year at ceremonies la- ter in the month. The Bradley Sckereoreheean ube WHITE, which was moved from l: ‘0 Ches é Bay service last fall, is reportedly under ne colors of the Ohio Barge Line in her new rw Coa. carrier between Norfolk, Va., Hee the Fairless Works. American ships Building Company has been a- warded a $63 m: nu. S vy contract for construction Cee ra rt patho aphic re= search vessel. Designated AGS 26, the craft will be conetructl ted at jemeniean Lorain yard and be delivered in mid-1 On June 1 the salty MONTROSE passed down- bound ae Welland Canal as the re- named CONCORDIA LAGO, under new ownership of Christian Haaland, of Haugesund, Norwaye, The ship underwent extensive refurbishin; erican Ship's Lorain ech es including. Deceuat: of electrical systems, en rs, and overhaul, Cleanin| ne and painting of all probability ike serv: ollingwood Bey ipyarde Seats their 730- cake HULL #177 on May The gi carri will enter service later this season for Can- ada Steamship aauee ae “HUREAY BAY iii. rine Salva; has sold the former piece Steamship eievenes DONALD B. GILLIES (a. G. BUTLER, JR.) to Reoch interests. he pease rchaned GROVEDALE ii, was sche duled to enter service on s 71 S-footers Ghkor LAKE and mes aa white circle on a b. urgh Steamship's 640-foot BENJAMIN Fe PAIRLESS departed South Chicago May 8 with 532,000 bushels of corn for Three Rivers, Suer, reap the first time sine World War that a "Tin Stacker" has carried suc! onaeatey Unconfirmed reports are that Upper Lakes rhi back JOHN ERICSSON from service. ‘urther celivpropelied bulk "pigs" slated for retirement as Pittsburgh Steamship's 6L0-foot IRVING Ss. LOG OLDS et fies aca into the Lorain shipyard for incurred in the repairs rted damage eorae 50" Lakes Richtzaa blow, erior cabin color of the vessels of Geuanbie Transportation Division has been considerably lightened from the buff hue so ae Eee Eon Ha eee years. Transit's FRANK R, DENTON (a. “Ties. GELTERS] cleared the Fraser-Nelson yard at Superior on May 14 following instal- lation of a Dutch-designed "Liaaen" bow- thruster, manufactured by Avondale Shipyards, Ne Paes ea eee of New Orleans. Wilson's HORACE S, WILKINSON, will be season by the c perme neue alan PEOMLLISTER Gartland_ Steamsh: artered Colum= biats J. CLARE NILLER wee uinvet D. GOULDER) for the Piaanaae not pur peneees her, as was re- Ital: x-lake tanker ELBA (a. BRITANOIL, py STSLAND TRANSPORT) is engaged in the fuel oil hea, not as a wine tanker as reported earlie: word revealed sone Roen Salvage Com- pany will conv newly-ac ship HARRY T. Bute’ te Walle BROWN , JOHN W. AILES) to a poow with the cranes be used on a deck bar; e St.Lawrence Seaway! s 1962 performance, 25,593,600 tons, up 9.3% from the previous year, while gaining in tonnage, there were 541 fewer transits in 1962, rehecting both the use 0: rger vessels in the waterway and increased passages of westbound ore cargoes. The anticipated deal involving purchase by Reiss Steamship of Tomlinson Fleet Corp. ves- sels has fallen through. In the short span of 29 days, four Canadi- an-registered 730-footers Passed upbound in the Welland Canal aiden voyages. ex Papachristidis' pave bart out of the St.John, N.B. ard, Davie Shipbuilding, Lauzon, Yivered the final two carriers, HALL for Hall Corp., and BAIE st. PAUL for Ca- Canadian, ha vice this eon. foot laker on order, CSL's will sail out of Collingwood later this sum mer. Her entry into service will ring the curtain ona. shipbuilding effort since 1960 has added 23 aximum-sized betel Oo Inland Seas: produc: United States, Ireland, the Germany. nada, Scotland, the Netherlands and West Bill Luke CONTRIBUTORS: a Bradley, Detroit; Arnold lempster, Collingwood; Paul Sherlock, St. Catharines, and John eyournekias the American Soo. a