The LOG American Shipbuilding Vo., has been award- ed a Navy contract for conversion of the FUR- The former Hanna-operated ore carriers CARLE C, CONWAY (a.WILLIAM A, HAWGOOD, b.R. be AGASS: SIZ} and END W. MUDGE (a.QUINCY A SHAW) have been moved to Fort William, The tug HELEN HINDMAN cowed CONWAY from Manitowoc ii a: the Soo on Sept. « She moved the DGE from ee locking through the S: The est unconfirmed reports rete the pair ai lakers may be dismantled at the Canadian lakehead. e he motorship CARIBOU REEFER was formally curigcenst at Collingwood Shipyards Oct. 26. e Port Weller Dry Docks peye completed a new tug for their own use. ‘he new craft is nam- ed JAMES E, MCGRATH, mien Misener canaller WHEATON (a.WESTCLIFFE LL) has been acquired b E. Larose, of eee Ont., for dismantling at Cardi- nal. radley Transportation Line's (asWtLLIAy G. CLYDE) will be repowered this winter at American Ship's Lorain yard. A 3,200-hp diesel will replace the self-unload- erts 2,200-hp steam engine. CALCITE IL hree veteran lakers, all former units of the Nicholson Transit feet, pave been sold by a Chicago scrap broker t. U.S,.-Canada Transit Co. e steamers ADRIAN” ISELIN, SUL TANA and TAMPICO will be used OY the hewly= formed Detroit company as barges to haul rub- ble from the foot of Ypiope elle. The obsolete boats are being stripped of cabins, New owners of the former Hall Corp, tanker FLORENCE B. (a.BRITAMOLENE, b.WAVE TRANSPORT) re Florence Nav. S.A., of’ Panama United States Steel Corp., has re-aligned its corporate structure by absorbing its div- isions. Henceforth, operations of Pittsburgh Steamship, Bradley Transportation and Ameri- can Steel and Wire boats will be consolidated out of Duluth Heavy movement of grain, occasioned) by ths Canadian-Russian wheat pact served t resurrect a number of small danduien Takers whose Cees aes peenes pendeds pecently back NonAwe DEER (an °C WALDO a> SRIVERTON)» SBAYTON (a FRANCIS % cADLAR) 5 LAKETON (a gSATONAS aay $00 (a.SATURN, FRATER TAYLOR), Arcow. (a.G. WATSON PREieh, bsHENRY P. WERNER, JOHN J. BOLAND, JR.) and the canaller KEYSHET (a.CLEARWATER, b.TRENORE). Sinclair Refining Vo., has sold its tanker DANIEL pec (Gs EW. SgrnclArR, de. DANIEL PIERCE, ¢.SHIKELLAMY) to Brooks Liquid Transport, Ines of Berwin, Ill., for undisclosed use. e Pittsburgh eee will put three more ore carriers in ar Seaway service next “at the number of boats as- newcomers will be SEWELL AVERY, GEORGE A. SLOAN and ROBERT C, STANLEY, e The former Boland & Cornelius steamer ED- is roit in early Nov- ember for delivery at Hamilton. e ort Apehun aenepyerds will convert Canada Sesame Lines! 640-foot steamer HOCHELAGA, to a self- unloader this winter, e Detroit's fireboat, the JOHN ee aa en= tered American Ship's Toledo yard in late October for repairs and overhau: a e Corps of Engineers has removed the erie of the steamer JOLIET (i) from the St.Clair River north of the Marysville Edison plants aes following collision with Pitts- urgh's steamer HENRY PHIPPS on Sept. 22, iit the 266- foot JOLIET was taken from the river as low water made her a hazard to navi- gation. Bill Luke CONTRIBUTORS: pelea Ayoub, Ottawa Arnold Dempster, Collingwood cone Hodges, bt. Clair H. Ridd, Midland, Ont. Pant sherlock, Ste Catharines John Vournakis, American Soo ? we David Glick illiam J, Luke President Vice President 24401 Emerson 1222 Sern Dearborn, Mich. ‘irmingham, Mich. John Campbell Robert Zelesnik Secretary 87 University PL. e Lineal Pareeriiehe! ferent Ptes,