The Avtroit Marine Historian 4 Journal of MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Detroit Volume 17, No. 5 January, 1964 4 QUEBECOIS PHOTO BY THE REV, PETER VANDER LINDEN BUILT by Canadian Vickers, Ltd., Montreal, as their HULL 280 for Cana- dian General Electric Company, Ltd., to dimensions of 730’ (OA) x75’4” x 39’. She was launched Nov. 10, 1962, christened April 9, 1963, and passed upbound through the Welland Canal on her maiden voyage April 30. Gross tonnage is 17,600 and net, 13,700. She is powered by a 9,000-shp Canadian General Electric steam turbine. QUEBECOIS is a sister of MONTREALAIS (a. MONTREALER), both of which are operated by Papachristidis Com- pany, Ltd., Montreal, in the iron ore and grain trades. Bill Luke i a i ww David Glick William J, Luke John Campbell Robert Zeleznik | President Vice President Treasurer Secretary | 24401 Emerson 1323 Northlawn 1575 Cleveland 877 University Pl. | Dearborn, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Lincoln Park, Mich. Grosse Pte., Mich.