NEWFOUNDLAND GRUISER Photo by Paul Sherlock DEATH on a bleak, northern shore is the unlikely fate that has befallen a former Walkerville & Detroit Ferry apie boat, Be LCYON, Bute in 1926 at Ecorse, she measured 128' x 45' 1513", 405 g.t. She made her last trip across the River in yay of i9h2 and ein August that year was towed to Toledo and Sabudle as the Coast Guard tender CHAPARRAL. A decade later she wa bought by a group which transferred her to Canadian registry un- der the provocative name TREASURE UNLIMITED, But she never went treasure hunting in the Great Lakes as proposed. She spent her years tied up first at Windsor and then at Amherstburg, until 1961 when Levis Heading Company, of Lauzon, Que., bought her, rebuilt her and renamed her NEWFOUNDLAND CRUISER. it was under that name and in the porthern trade that she ran aground Sept. 15, 1963, at Cape Dorset on Baffin Island, and was abandoned as a total loss. e Additions to the 1963-64 Winter Lay-Up List KINGSTON Lubrolake Cove Transport Bayfair- Makaweli Eaglescliffe Hall Baygeorge Rockceliffe Hall Elmbrance! Keyshey Texaco Warrior Frankcliffe Hall refax Tr ‘y Westcliffe Hall Transinland TOLEDO | Transtream LT-820 (Gartland tug)# MONTREAL White Rose Paratex Bayshell Reiss Brothers Bay pesnsporty PETOSKEY Bulkar: ohn L.A.Galster CONTRIBUTORS : Coasta. iC eek George Ayoub, Ottawa Hutehelifte Hall JEPEC CIIY Charles Tully, Thorold i## -- Indicatés vessel did not operate in 1963 MARCH MEETING A GLIMPSE into a mysterious realm sailors would ordinarily prefer not to see will be provided us at our general meeting at 8p.m, Saturday, March 21, at the Edison Boat Club by Bill Holt, Jr., of the Dolphin Divers. This club is made up of divers who use SCUBA underwater breathing apparatus to prowl bott 12-minute film, “Underwater Won- derland,” taken by club members and showing some of the wrecks along the Michigan shore of Lake Huron -- including remains of the JOSEPH S, FAY. ‘The club, founded in 1955, hasabout 45 active members, Dinner will be at 6:30. Make reservations with Ken Smith by Thursday at TO 6-4494,