The LOG Imperial Oil's tanker JhPLRIAL SARNIA will return to lake service during the 1965 naviga- tion season. Built at Collingwood Shipyards in 1948, she departed the lakes via the Missi- ssipvi in late 1953 for conversion to salt wa- ter scrvice at Sorel that winter. Rebuild in- cluded installation of new bow for coastal service. Her return is occasioned by Imperial Qilts building of an 80,000-bbl tanker for East Coast operation. ° Upper Lakes Shipping will christen their new 680-foot all-cabins-aft self-unloader the CAPE BRETON MINER at Port Weller Dry Docks, Ltd., on April 25. e American Ship Building laid the keel on March 2 at their Lorain yard for the U.S. Navy $6.5 million oceanographic survey vessel AGS- 26. Completion is scheduled for July, 1965. e Defoe Shipbuilding January for secured a contract in a third guided-missile destroyers Vessel will be transferred through the U. S. Navy to the Australian Navy on completion. Quebec & Ontario Transportation have sold their twin-screw motorship FRANQUELIN to Peau- chemin Navigation, Ltd., Montreal, owners of the lost motorvessel FORT ALBANY (See January, 164 Historian). e Huron Cément has announced plans for furth- er fleet expansion. The company's former salt- water tanker H.R.SCHEMM (a.PAN-AMOCO, b.AMOCO) idle at Sturgeon Bay since her June, 1960, trip into the Lakes via the Seaway, is slated to begin lake next season following conversion to a cement carrier. service Huron has in- dicated intention to acquire another laker for a similar rebuild. Pringle Barge Line have withdrawn their ti JESS: JAMES (a.JOHN E. MEYER) from curtn service, citing need for boiler replacement. Pringle has chartered oen's tug JCHN RCEN V (a.CUMBERLAND) for two years as a replacement, pending completion of a new, twin-screw tug. Pringle will acquire Columbia Transportation's steamer HOWARD MN. HANNA, JR. for conversion to a self-unloader barge, equipped with bowthrus- PBL will retire the venerable self-un- loader barge CONSTITUTION at the conclusion of the 1965 season when the HANNA becomes avail~ able. ter. e New owners of the former Yinclair lake tan- ker DANIEL PIERCE (a.E.W.SINCLAIR, b.DANIEL PIERCE, c.SHIKELLAMY) are Florida Shipping Line, listed as Panama- The 42- year-old Wilmington (Del.)-built steamer left the lakes lete last fall after 12 service on fresh water. Inc., Panama. years of The 392-footer enter- ed the lakes via the Mississippi in 1951. CS e The self-unloader BAYANNE (a.ARAGON) re- cently raised near Belleville in the Bay of Quinte, will be dismantled. She has been de- termined unfit for further service. The 249- foot steamer was built by Detroit Dry Dock Company at Wyandotte in 1896. (See Jan. '63 and March '64 Logs). ° Identity of the salt-water tug purchased last year by Gartland Steamship Company has been resolved. She is the former U.S.Army tug LT-820 and is currently laid up at Toledo. She passed upbound through the Welland Canal be- hind the tug PAULINE HOLMES last Sept. 15. Bill Luke CONTRIBUTORS: George Ayoub, Ottawa Al Bradley, Detroit Paul Sherlock, St.Catharines CG eo, tate Edi te Eaitors, John He Bas stom, 100 White sonal, 7 foronto 5, (Toronte 3, ‘The Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc. ej aaenedate Eaitor-iietorical, Willdin Ay tor=Current, William J. 1323 North