The UuOG two pa Paterson steamers have been involved C86 canaller LAVALDOC has been sold by Gemelli Metals and Equipment, Inc., to Cana: Equine Corp., Montreal. penal ae CANAL TRAD- ER, y see service son's ov Patersi -ANDOG (a.STEEL STLECTRIGLAN) has QUEBEC TRADER. Further details may motorship FARR. been renamed are unknown, e Upper Lakes* Steen Te CORO CR ELE le Soren IOR, bsRALPH BUDD) uled towed to Pece Weller penta apne for Sienente ling, will serve as grain storage unit at Tor- onto The former Misener canaller FRANK H. BROWN (a. DRUMAHOE) awaits the shipbreakerts torch at Deserontoe ° The Port Cartier-based tug FEDERAL BEAVER has been sold by Federal Commerce & Navigation Co., to Quebec Cartier Mining Yo., and renamed MANI- COUAGAN, e former Browning steamer NORMAN"). FOY (a. SHELDON PARKS beEDi JARD c.DAVID Me scrap destined for Lauzon, the Welland Canal oe days ‘later. joined at Lauzon e former Columbia steamer DAVID Z. NORTON buch loaded scrap at Cleveland Sold through larine Salvage, itd., Port Col- borne, the pair will be towed by a stile tug to Genoa where the lakers will be ser nred End purchaser is Societe Ardem of Italy The Columbia self-unloader SIERRA has been sold to Marine Salvage for dismantling at Steel Com- pany of Canada, Hamilton, The Quebec & Ontario Transportation motorship FRANQUELIN has been acquired by J.E.A. Croquet= te interests. Agent is North Shore Shipping Lines, Ltd., Montreal. She was earlier report- ed sonend by Beauchemin Navigation, Ltd. (See April '64 LOG). e Auxiliary Power Corp., of New York, has sold of four lakers for distant line ina nepchery ag aes port. First to depart will be POWERAUX P| (a.J.i.JENKS, SON, coRALPH Se AULEINS) which was towed from clevetaae re Beato on April 26 to load scrape The ers involved are POWERAUX CHRIS (ae. BREN ane RMAN, b.GRAND ISLAND), POWERAUX MARK (a.sHERBERT F. "BLACK, b.JOLIZT) and POWER- AUX ROGER (a.E.L.WALLACE, b. HARQUETTE). Hom ay be resumed July 1 on the new Poe Bock © measure 1200" x 110! x 32', t #hoy30o, 2809 lock is slated for Meupietton july, ° N As scheduled, Upper Lakes' 680! self-unloader APE BRETON {INER was shel stened at Port Veller on April 25 e tao Central's new 605 flagship SIR DENYS assed upbound through the Soo on he See Cover Story). voyage april 2, r nation The Norwegian windJamner due in the lakes in Auzus UN RADICH is Pittsburgh Fleet will add four more vessels to Port Cartier, Added are steamers i and HOMER D. WILLIAMS and motorships EUGENE W. PARGNY and EUGENE P. THOMAS. Huron Cement's H.k.SCHEMM (a.AM0CO,b.PAN-AMOCO) will be moved from Sturgeon American Ship Building's South Chicago yard soon for conversion to cement trade. She will enter service next spring. \ The Paterson steamer PRINDOC (a HAROLD B. NYE, b.ii.D.CALVERLEY, Jli.) has been sold for disman- tling overseas, lioored at Lauzon in mid-April, she had been renamed ABBY. Two other Paterson steamers have been involved The canaller LAVALDOC_ has been sold Metals and Equipment, Inc., to Canal Equipment Corp., Montreal a) ene ed CANAL TRAD- ER, she may see service ase Paterson's motorship FARRANDOC (a. onEL, SSLEGTRICIAN) has een renamed QUEBEC TRADER, Further details are unkonwn ° The former Paceere Steamship aeee Panes MANILA which left akes in Augu 1960, cently eerie sold to Gulf pmeets Corp., and elevenen ginanepouiation Co., Inc., Jacksonvill e, Fla. ag been shortened by 3616" for her new cmnere CONTRIBUTORS: Bill Luke George Ayoub, Ottawa Arnold Dempster, Collinevoc Paul Sherlock, St. Catharines John Vournakis, American Soo HIME HISTORIAN published monthly ty, The Marine Uistoricalsostety of Debra Eitvor, Curtis Haseltine 3951 Fayat Detrose 23, sche; A Editor-liistorieal, Willian A: Hebonala, 5303 Vickeber ischss hssoclate Bdlvor dhe iy th ter Beer Bhat: siataditnSaneEinte bette, Joho Wy Boston, 100'vblcaball, erode 3 ek. Rida) 83 nunverviewy foronts 5,