IT’S BOB-LO TIME ON THE DETROIT RIVER THE DATE Saturday, May 30, 1964 THE TIME 10 a.m. Sharp ‘THE PLACE “B” Deck, Forward, Steamer COLUMBIA. THE OCCASION Opening of the 1964 navigation of the Bob-Lo Boat Watchers of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit. (Coincidentally, that’s also the opening day for the Bob-Lo boats.) ‘The B-LBW is a non-profit disorganization devoted pe to the refreshing bree: enjoying the boat rides to Bob-Lo with mgenii , passing Great Lakes and foreign vessels erudite conversation of sages who can mis-ideati! pest from the color of its smoke! "The du dues? Your smiling presence $ $ $ THE SHIP'S SCENE By Emory Massman, Jr. Like fine boat pictures? Chances are you wouldn’t be reading this publicat- ion if you didn’t. Want a tip on where you can get acouple of dozen top- flight boat pictures in that popular 8” x 10” size, suitable for framing and with printed captions on a separate sheet so you can clip them out and paste them on the back without ruining the picture? Then “The Ship's Scene” by fellow-member Emory Massman, Jr., is for you. The pictures are printed back- to-back so you'll probably want two copies but they're only $1 each over-the counter at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle in Detroit or $1. 40 by mail. Checks should be made out to the Great Lakes Maritime Institut $ $ SHIPS AND SHIPWRECKS IN DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN - - VOLUME TWO By Arthi Frederickson ur C, & Lucy Anyone interested in Great Lakes vessels is certain to enjoy SHIPS AND SHIPWRECKS IN DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN. With a large part of the book containing stories and excellent pictures of passenger ships, much space is also devoted to stories and pictures of freighters so that those interested in either passenger or freight ships will be completely satisfied. ‘The pictures alone are more than worth the $2 cost. Captain A.C, Frederick- son, Box 272, Frankfort, Michigan, will be pleased to forward you a copy upon receipt of your check in that amount. Bob Zeleznik