The L.0G Shipyard Shavings Davie Shipbuilding, Lauzon, Que., will construct a 730-foot bulk carrier for Hall Corp. of Canada. Propulsion will consist of four diesel engines. Deli- very is scheduled for next spring Canada Steamship Lines! led 730=footer SAGUENAY Davieship on June diesel-propel- was launched at Details of Imperial Oil's tanker under contract at Port Weller Dry Docks have een released. Dimensions will be isi st Kc A.) x 60' x 31'. (See June, Unconfirmed reports indicate that N. M. freighters. Delivery is said to be slated for 1965. Coupanys oH Papachristidis 730-footer, t under contrac Pretec rene Two American-flag lake carriers were trols last winter, eliminating the need for firemen. Cleveland-Cliffs' WILLIAM G. MATHER ii was so altered at American Ship's Lorain yard and Wilson Marine Transit's BEN MOREELL ii at Fraser- Nelson Shipbuilding, Superiore Collingwood Shipyards! HULL 184, 730- foot diesel self-unloader for Canada Steamship Lines, will be christened TARAN The Bullhorn Fraser-Nelson Shipbuilding, Superior, has bought the property of the former Lake Superior Shipyard for $30,000. The land involved adjoins Fraser-Nelson and had been under lease to the purchaser. The American Great Lakes ore fleet at mid-July mune red te vessels, 21 less than a year agi earriers in com- mission on guy "45 total led 139, as a- gainst 133 on the same date of 1963. John 0. or Greenwood's Guide to Great Takes wnipeine and mana- ger of Cargo Carriers! Clovetand office has been elected to the board of Tom- linson Fleet Corp. McNamara Construction of Manitoba, Ltd. has heed awarded the contract to build the New Poe Lock at the Soo on its bid of $21,471,690. The 1200 - foot = long nSe7 is slate d for completion by July, Perils of the Deep Beauchemin Navigation's FORT ALBANY, Lanorie, Que., Dec. 8, following collision, has been The former Sinclair lake tanker DANIEL PIERCE, earlier sold foreign for salt- water operation, sustained heavy bottom damage at Guanica, Puerto Rico, July 1 14h when her cargo of sulfuric acid leaked into the bilges. The port city was ev- acuated for fear of explosion. Furthe’ details are not available. Leakage of sulfuric acid into the bil- ges was also the cause of difficulties at Sarnia on CHEMBARGE NO. 4 (b.H. J. MCMANUS). Coast Guard officials ordered the northeast of Point Edward July 11 where her seacocks were opened. Swaps & Sales The former Q es O m/v/FRANQUELIN, earl- ier sold to Montreal interests, has been renamed PRINCE UNGAVA. July 26 on her first trip since lay-up at Superior late in 1960. s now been renamed GODERICH ii. The tanker CLARK MILWAUKEE, idle for two years at Milwaukee, cleared that port June 24 following her sale to Greek owners. She was renamed LIMNI. Hall gorperationts tanker BAY TRANSPORT has been sold to of Livorno, Ita she left the lakes erane 1 for Livorno. Scraps Columbia's self-unloader SIERRA will be dismantled at Steel Company of eanade ae rz than a Europ port as earlier reported (June '64 Loc) She locked down the Welland June 1 a3 ia a s 5 3. <4 B ct 8 Remains of the former Hanna _ steamer CARLE C. CONWAY left Fort William in the hold of the Formosan-flag UNION TRADER July 6. The scrap destined for Japan. Hanna steamer, EDMUND W. MUDGE is pre- sently being cut down at Fort William by Lakehead Scrap Metal, Ltd. Further dismantlings at Fort William will include the former Powell Signe STARBELLE and Algoma's ALGOWAY. latter was towed from Port Nellieol1