The LOG Bethlehem Steel Company reactivated ~ 600-footers in early August. steamers DANIEL J. MORRELL and EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND sailed from Erie where they had been laid up since the close of the 1962 navigation season. Additional gates in the compensat- ing dam on the Canadian side of the St.Marys River at the Soo have been opened to allow increases in flow to Lake Huron in an attempt to stem the decline in lower lake levels, Love Construction & Engineering Di- vision of Bultema Dock & Dredge Company has acquired a 110-ton lift crane for use in the Muskegon area. The unit will be installed on the stripped-down hull of the former ferry ANN ARBOR NO. 3. Shipyard Shavings Pittsburgh Fleets' THOMAS W,. LAMONT will be diesel repowered at Fraser- Nelson Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Com- pany, Superior. Work is to start about Dec. 1 with completion sched- uled for next May. She'll get a new streamlined stack as well, Ann Arbor Railroad Company's care ferry ANN ARBOR NO. 7 is being re- powered and modernized at Fraser- Nelson. As part of the $2 million project, the hull was sliced hori- zontally and raised four feet to provide clearance for larger rail- road cars. She is also getting a new pilothouse. On completion, bee fore the Soo Locks close in Decem- ber, shetll be renamed VIKING, Swaps & Sales Wilson Marine Transit Company ac- quired the American Steamship Com- pany's bulk carrier B.W.DRUCKENMIL- LER (a,SHENANGO) Aug. 3. She was towed from lay-up at Buffalo, where she has been moored since late 1962 past Detroit behind Roen'ts tug JOHN PURVES Sept. 2, enroute to the Fra- ser-Nelson yard where she will be Page 2 equipped with bowthruster, new tank tops and automated boiler controls this coming winter. She will be renamed A.T.LAWSON, The former Lake Michigan carferry GRAND HAVEN, sold in 1945 by Grand Trunk & Western ailway Company to the West India Fruit and Steamship Company, will return to the Great Lakes from lay-up at Jacksonville, Fla. Prior to Castro's Cuban take- over, she operated between Palm Beach and Havana. She was bought in August by T.J.McCarthy Steamship Company, Detroit, and is slated for chartered service to USCAN Trans- ports Behamas, Ltd., Nassau, haul- ing semi-trailers from Cleveland to Port Stanley and Port Burwell, Ont. The former lake tanker TEXACO MICH- IGAN, renamed TRINA last fall by her new owners, Lakes-Ocean Ship- ping Company, Chicago, was = at auction at Kingston, Ont., Aug. 5. She was bought by William Brooks, of Corpus Christi, Tex., for $36,- 0. Brooks plans to convert the vessel to a grain carrier for Gulf service. Prior to her departure for salt water, she was renamed CORPUS CHLISTI, Scraps Tugs FOUNDATION VALIANT and FOUNDA- TION VIBERT towed the steamer POW- ERAUX CHRIS (b.GRAND ISLAND) down the Welland Canal Aug. 27. The former Cliffs vessel is to be dis- mantled at Bremen, Two more of the dwindling Continen- tal Grain storage fleet have been moved out of Buffalo. Great Lakes Towing tugs AMERICA and NORTH CARO- LINA towed D.A.MOLONEY (a.G.J.GRAM- MER, b.ADAM E. CORNELIUS, JR., cy TROY H. BROWNING i).to Humberstone Aug. 18 and next day towed SIR WIL- LIAM FAIRBAIRN to the same ports Bill Luke CONTRIBUTORS: George Ayoub, Al Bradley, Arnold Dempster and John Vournakis,