TT KWeel Blocks ccs A Resume of Major Vessel Construction On and For The Great Lakes (United States List) m™ Hull vessel Owner, Type/ Date NOe Name Charterer Dimension: Keel Launch Deliver American Ship Building Co., Lorain, 0. 876 SILAS BEND (AGS-26) U.S.Navy Ocean. Surv.285' 335"x48'x23'6" 3/2/64 5/16/64 ¢7/23/65 877 PASSUMPSIC (AO-107) * TkreMidbody 392'8"x75'x44? 4/6/64 11/28/64 c7/7/65 878 PAWCATUCK (AO-108) = ” bd bd - iid 7/15/64 c4/17/65 c11/15/65 American Ship Building Coe, Toledo, Oc 197 MISPILLION. (AO-105) U.S.Navy ” " 400" x 75! 8/3/64 c1/30/65 cl1/15/65 Christy Corpe, Sturgeon Bay, Wise 419 U.S.Interior Dept. Ocean.Besearch He eee 900dwt 420 U.S.C.Ge es trol Vessel 5, 000d 422 U.S.N ean.Surve Bert snnagizo3t ev 423 Forest Montgomery, eayerae City, oil barge 200dwt Defoe Shipbuilding Co., Bay City, Miche PERTH (op gee 5 U.S.Navy/Australian Navy Misetle Desi 4580x878 9/19/62 9/26/63 "65 HOBART (DDG-26 - " 7 /62 1/9/64 "65 BRISBANE (DDG- bn Ms ad % 166 VOGE (DE-1047) U.S.Navy Des.Escort 414 xdat x 7/63 / 7 66 KOELSCH (DE-1049) i ¥ / 163 AL "66 DE-1051) " ” " ” " 166 Marinette Marine Corp., Marinette, Wise 409 (AGOR-9) U.S.eNavy Ocean.Research 9/12/63 7/18/64 16S 410 (AGOR-10) si m = 9/12/63 8/1/64 "65 " 65 Landing Craft-Medium (LCM) 8 Tugboats (YTB-774---YTB-781) 102'6"x29'x16'3" ~ Peterson Building, Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wise U.S.Navy 7 Wooden Minesweepers (MSC-307---MSC-313) U.SeArmy Aviation Materiel Command 12 cargo iyonters (LARG-IX) Sturgeon Bay Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 264 EASTWIND Duke University Ocean.Research 640- nee 250dwt 5/10/64 "65 265 Boston Fish Mkt. Trawler 800-hp, 250dwt U.S.C.G. 2 Twin-Screw monboats 800-hp, 200dwt * 2 Deck Barges 400dw Burger Boat Coe, Manitowoc, Wise Twin-Screw Yacht 400-hp, 100dwt Manitowoc Shipbuilding, Inc., Manitow Wis. 432 Great Lakes D & D Spud Barge as Gobdne 9/30/64 "6S Dunbar & Sullivan 2 Dump Scows 3,000d' Hans Hansen Welding Coe Bureau of Comm.Fisheries Fish Boat T£ any information can be added to the above list, please write to the editor. Hull numbers, dates and new construction needede J. Albin Jackman 5 ie ai aie ae a a ae a ae a a ae ae a ae ae ae a a ae ae a a a a a ad * David Glick william J. Luke John Campbell Robert Zeleznik x < , President Vice President Treasurer Secretar’ 24401 Emerson 1323 Northlawn 1575 Cleveland 877 University Pl. x a Dearborn, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Lincoln Park, Mich. Grosse Pte., Mich. ve * Editor, Curtis Haseltine, 13951 Faust, Detroit, Mich. Printed in U.S.A. i ae ae a a ea ae ae a a a a a a ae a ae a ae ae a ae a eS