GS The L.oG S= The Bullhorn Interlake Steamship has formed a Canadian affiliate, Labrador Steamship Company » pie in connection with the opening of transferred to the new firm renamed POINTE NOIRE, baa er Beemer: ‘AM MCLAUGHAN to become iiiii. The Canadian firm il Ppuild | at least one new bulk carrier in Canada. Pittsburgh Fleet's GEORGE A. SLOAN will be converted to self-unloader this coming win- ter for transfer to the Bradley Fleet. Pringle Barge Line's enene irons ae said to be slated for retirement in J Shipyard Shstinge Upper Lake Shipping's 710-foot peis-untoad- er building at Port Weller Dry cks, Ltd., will be floated off the ways in Apel she will be christened ONTARIO POWER. Fraser Shipyards has installed a bow-thrus- ter in Pittsburgh Fleet's THOMAS W. LAMONT, the first vessel in the fleet to be so The laker has undergone diesel at the Superior shipyard this past winter. The George T. Davie & Sons, Ltd., shipyard at Lauzon has been renamed Canadian Vickers Ltd., Lauzon. Collingwood Shipyards laid the keel for Algoma's 639-foot self-unloader, CSL's 730-foot self-unloader, TARANTAU, was formally christened at Mid- land on March 24. Cleveland Cliffs' EDWARD B. GREENE will be Cliffs' Amthrust bowthruster at Toledo yarde erican Ship's Swaps & Sales Kinsman Marine Transit has acquired Pitts- burgh Fleet's 600-foot GEORGE F. BAKER. She will be renamed HENRY STEINBRENNER iii. FORDONIAN and tug KENOSHA were photographed by the Author at Chicago in 1923 before she un- derwent her series of changed names. At this time she was under charter to C.A.T.Coe, as shown in Fr. Dowling's fleet list of Canada-Atlantic Tran- sit Company on Page Threee Kinsman's present HENRY STEINBRENNER ii (a. VERONA) will become UHLMANN BROTHERS Cherokee, Ltd.'s steamer MICHIGAN has been sold to Hall Corporation of Canada. The motorship QUEBEC TRADER (a.STEEL ELEC- TRICIAN, beFARRANDOC) has been sold Trans-World Chartering, Ltd., Montreal, to the Transportaciones Combinadas, CeA., Ca= racas, Venezuela, and renamed SAN TOME. Renames Gartland Steamship's H.L.GOBIELLE ee LIAM G. MATHER i, b.J.H.SHE BAnLeZ i) pres ently 1 er at Manitowoc, will be eee eaaey NICO= sf CLARE MILLER for 1965 and addi- chartered Tomlinson Fleet's MERTON E. FARR, idle at Buffalo since 1961. Huron Cement's S.T.sCRAPO cleared Detroit (a.sPAN-AMOCO, beAMOCO) christened J. A. W.eIGLEHART with JOHN W. BOARDMAN renamed LEWIS G. HARRIMAN. The latter coe be used for storage this season at the So Fisheries Products, Ltd.'s fish processing barge REDFERN has been renamed ZENAVA. Scraps Columbia's self-unloader ROBERT J. PAISLEY (asCHRISTOPHER, b.THOMAS BRITT i, c.J. Es SAVAGE) has been sold to Marine Salvage, Ltd., for dismantling. Bill Luke George Ayoub Arnold Dempster Be. Charles Erickson, Jre James Me Kidd Paul Sherlock CONTRIBUTORS: e