CANADA-ATLANTIC TRANSIT CO. tL: (Continued from last month) Se Se ee oe (US 81427) ei WeBay City by F.W.Wheeler & Co. for Mitchell & Co., i Cleveland. 328 Owned by Elphicke around 1910 and occasionally chartered to oAe a Co. Later Dadericsn MINNERAAER and Canadian GLENLYON (Can. 126660). Stranded on Managerie Island, Lake Superior, and broke in two, 11-1-1 S.S.KEARSARGE (US 161061) 1894 Chicago by Chicago Shipbuilding Co., for Pickands, Mather & C Acquired by Elphicke for Canada-Atlantic, c.1906. Laid up ater towed to Detroit by Roen. Cut down to two scows near Jefferson Street Bridge. Bow section redocumented in 1951 as the SABADASH I (US 261791) and renamed "NC. 236" in 1963. Dimensions, 171x44. Stern sec- tion redocumented as "NO.225" (US 293263) in 1963. Dimensions, 150 x 44. still in service, now owned by Dunbar & Sullivan. (See DMH, Volell, No. 5, Ja 58) S.SsNEWONA (BR. 125470) 1909 Wallsend-on-Tyne, England, by Swan, Hunter & urea rare “for ona S.S. Co. (Fraser, Brace & Clarke) Montreal. Chartered by C.A.T.Co. c.1911 ri x 43. Sold Italian in 1923 and converted into a tanker and renamed NEVONA(IT.- 215) gue of Lloyd's Register, 1927. Se 5 ARTHUR ORR (US 107005) 1893 Chicago by Chicago Shipbuilding Co., for C.W.Elphicke & Co. ransferred to Canada-Atlantic Transit Co. in 1899. Originally 283 x 41, and length- ened in 1899 to 334'. Scrapped at Hamilton,Ont., 1948. (DMH, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct.'47) Secs SEOKGE a ORR (US 86350) 1896 Chicago by Chicago Shipbuilding Co., for Elphicke and transferred to C.A.T.Co. in 1899. 326 x 44, Wrecked on Savage Point, Straits of Northumberland, Prince Edward Tslandy 12- i8lt, while on way to. salt water for war service. (See DMH, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. '47) SeS-OTTAWA Keane 111443) 1900 Toronto by Bertram Engine works for Canada-Atlantic Transit “Co. 256 x 43, Foundered off Passage Island, Lake Superior, 11-16-1909. 5-S- SCRANSON (us 116235) 1988 Cleveland by Cleveland Shipbuilding Co., for Lake Transit Co. (a ron hull, Chartered by T.Co. in 1894 from McLouth 8.SeC0e Later eee TEN and NINE and Canediag SUARBUCK (Can. 173515). Scrapped at Duluth in 1957, (See DMH, Vol. 11, No. 2, Oct. S.S.WINONA (BR. 122851) 1906 Rawr England, by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson. 252 x ~ 43 x 21. Chartered by CO., around 1913 from Inland Lines, Ltd., of Hamilton, Ont. WINONA was on the ocean during both wars and after World War II was sold Chi- ; nese and renamed EDDIE, in 1947. Dropped out of Lloyd's Register in early Sixties. oe Very probably scrapped due to age. | Besides the ships owned and chartered by the Canada-Atlantic Transit Co., the parent railway also owned one river carferry which operated across the St~Lawrence River near | leyfield, que. S.S.sCANADA ATLANTIC TRANSFER (Can. 90605) 1884 Coteau Landing, Que., by J. Dunbar. Wooden | sidewheel carferry, 171 x 70. Replaced by a bridge in 1894 and sold and used for other purposes until abandoned in 1918. NOTE: It is highly probable that Canada-Atlantic Transit Co. vessels, such as the CHILI, G arose » chartered other Elphicke eWATSON, FRENCH, GRECIAN, ROMAN and SAXON as the need The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to fellow members F.K.McKean, George Ayoub and George W. Hilton for information contained in this list. The Rev. Edward J. Dowling, SJ. e SCRANTON at Chicago, 1923 Photo by the Author GEORGE N. ORR Young Photo