sional work remains to be completed before the 114-footer heads for the Boston Navy Yard and formal commissioning ceremoniese YY «M.A.S. HOBART, built for the tralian Navy, underwent Defoe's HULL Royal Aus= in late the second of three guided- nissile Destroyers built at Navy contract for the Aussies. lake trials September. She is Defoe under U.S. Scraps Seaway Ship Suppliers, Toronto, have dismantling the former Upper Lakes Shipping, Ltd's canaller BROWN BEAVER and how have GREY BEAVER under the torche completed Acme Scrap Iron and Metal, Ashtabula, has the former Cleveland Tankers' motorvessel ORION (asEDGEWATER) down for use as a gravel and sand barge for service in the Toledo area. cut Federal Commerce and Navigation's barge FEDERAL HUSKY DURHAM, c.HERON BAY) Port Cartier, was salt storage (a.AGAWA i, b.ROBERT P. based for two years at reported loading scrap at Quebec City in late July, destined for overseas ipbreakers. This colorful old laker was the \@eject of an interesting picture story which appeared in the Historian. September, 1964, issue of the She began her career as a schooner barge, was converted to a steamer and ended her days as a storage barge. The most recently reported of obsolete lake serve arrivals in Europe steamers for dismantling de- special note when two pairs of ships, in tandem tows, arrived rated European sister- at widely sepa— ports on the day. The Brown and Co. steamers J.J.H.BROWN and her dup- licate, JAMES E. McALPINE (a.WILLIAM H. TRUES= DALE) put in at Genoa for Ardem, Vado, July 19. That same day two old Pittsburghers, the his- toric MATAAFA (a.PENNSYLVANIA) and L.S.WESTCOAT (a.WILLIAM R. LINN) were Hamburg. same secured to a dock at Hall Corporation's motor tanker LAKE TRANSPORT (asREDHEAD, b.BLUE CROSS) has been Johnstone Shipping, Ltd., Toronto, for ia use. Tomlinson Fleet Corp., has steamer sold to undis- sold the 600-foot MERTON E. FARR to Scott Misener Steam- ships, Ltd. She was towed from Toledo into Port Colborne Nov. 6 where she will undergo re- build chartered by over the winter. She was to have been Tomlinson to Buckeye Steamship this past season. The former Imperial Cil Tankers' COE (a.SIMCOLITE) and IMPERIAL SIM- WELLAND (a.ROY- ALITE), idle at Lauzon since their early spring IMPERIAL departure from Sarnia, have reportedly been ac~ quired by German interests for a total of $57,- 000. T.J.MeCarthy Steamship Co., has sold the steam= ers GEORGE H. INGALLS (a.WILLIAM L. BA T.JeMCCARTHY (aeMARY C. ELPHICKE, MO; TREMAINE) to Hudson Waterways, Inc., N City. The purchasers ) and IS Se w York have not disclosed the use to which they intend to put these auto car- riers. U.S.Steel have disposed of two 600-footers. The Pittsburgh Fleet's THCMAS LYNCH has gone to Up- per Lakes Shipping, Ltd., and been renamed WIARTON. She had been laid up for some years at Lorain. Pittsburgh's NORMAN B. REAM, idle at Duluth since November, 1960, has been sold to Kinsman Marine Transit Co., KINSMAN ENTE™PRISE. Both into service in October. and renamed these steamers went Kinsman Marine Transit steamer UHLMANN STEIN: this BROTHERS fall sold their (aeVERONA, b.HENRY ii) to Fraser Shipyards, Superior RENNER which in turn have sold her to Norlake Steam- ships, Ltd., Toronto. She MANITOBA. Following this rechristened has been renamed transaction, Kinsman their C. S. ROBINSON (a.LOFTUS CUDDY) the UHLMANN BROTHERS ii. Perils of the Deep The 182-foot passenger-freight steamer AMERICA, which stranded and sank off Isle Royale on June 7, 1928, will enter Duluth Harbor next sprina, if her salvors resume operations as planned. The S.S.America Salvage Co., a group of Duluth- ians, has the vessel patched and had planned to have her up this fall. ted appeared in the However, weather promp- postponement. The story of this steamer August, 1961, Historian, under the Ships That Never Die section. We wish her salvors every success in this undertaking. John H. Bascom Bill Luke CONTRIBUTORS: c, A. Lorriman Paul Sherlock John Vournakis