GSS The LOG SO BULLHORN The Canadian shipbuilding subsidy program has been re-instituted, effective Jan. 1, 1966, at a 25% basis. After three years it will drop 2% annually to 17% in 1972. The subsidy was suspended at 35% on Feb. 2, 1965. The railroad carferry CHIEF WAWA- TAM returned to service at the Straits of Mackinac Dece 13. Her boilers were renovated at Manito- woc Shipbuilding, Inc. She left her post last springe The Grand Trunk carferry GRAND RAPIDS has been leased to the Ann Arbor Railroad fleet until May for a reported $750-a-day rate. Gartland Steamship will again charter Columbia Transportation's J.CLARE MILLER (aseHARVEY D. GOUL- DER) for the coming season, mark— ing the third consecutive year for the arrangemente Quebec and Ontario Transporta- tion's newly-acquired J. PIERPONT MORGAN, towed from Duluth to Port Arthur Shipyards in December for refit, will be rechristened HERON BY ii this springe Erie Sand Steamship's self-unloa- der ALPENA, purchased from the now-defunct Wyandotte Transporta— tion fleet last December, will- be operated by Columbia Transporta- tion for 1966. In a $100,000, 3-month project completed last summer, the dry- dock at Port Arthur Shipyards was extended from 723 feet to 747 to accommodate maximum-sized lakers now in service. Labrador Steamships, Ltd., Canad ian affiliate of Interlake Steam- ship, will operate AUGUSTUS B. WOLVIN for 1966, following her transfer to British flag. Labra- dor's 730-footer building at the Davie shipyard as HULL 658 will enter service this season as A.Se GLOSSBRENNER. The Papachristidis— operated DON-DE-DIEU will be ac- quired by Labrador Steamships at the outset of the 1967 season. Pringle Barge Lines' self-unload- er barge CONSTITUTION is reported for sale at Ashtabula. Unconfirmed reports have Shenango Furnace's WILLIAM P. SNYDER, JRe moving into the Interlake Steam- ship fleet in 1967. Hindman Transportation's recently acquired LYMAN C. SMITH will sail this spring from Superior as the MARTHA HINDMAN. SHIPYARD SHAVINGS Bayswater Shipping's BAYGEORGE (aeIOCOMA, beIMPERIAL WHITBY, Ce GEORGE S. CLEET) WAS LEN GEORGE S. CLEET) was lengthened at Kingston Shipyards last year. (See Jan. '66 Log).Her 120' self- unloading boom was replaced by a new 175' rig at that time. Hall Corporation's self-unloader HALLFAX is being lengthened 96' this winter by Canadian Vickers at their Lauzon yard, to an over- all length of 481 feet. SWAPS & SALES Ending months of speculation, the Ford Motor Coe, has_ purchased Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- ance's 644' steamer JOSEPH S. WOOD (a.sRICHARD M. MARSHALL), which has been under charter to Wilson Marine Transit Co. She will be renamed. Northwestern Mu=- tual's J.HeHILLMAN JR. will move back into Wilson colors this sea- son from the Columbia fleet. Hudson Waterways of New York has acquired four more obsolete lak- ers for use as trade-ins on sur- plus Maritime Commission units. Involved are the steamers GEORGE We MEAD (a.FRANCIS L. ROBBINS) PRINCETON, WILLIAM H. WCLF and the long-idle WOLVERINE (a.SIR HENRY BESSEMER, b.MICHAEL J. BAR- TELME )