Che Artroit Marine Historian Journal of MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Detroit Volume 19. No. 12 August, 1966 M/V A. S. GLOSSBRENNER (Can. 323016) Built for Labrador Steamships, Ltd., Canadian arm of Pickands, Mather & Coe, by Davie Shipbuilding, Ltd., Lauzon, Que., as HULL 658 to dimensions of 730' (OA) x 75" x 39'8"; 17,955 gross tons and 13,324 net tonse Keel laid Oct. 5, 1965, launched May 10, 1966, and delivered to owners July 22, 1966. Main propulsion consists of a six-cylinder Sulzer diesel, rated 9,600-b.h.p. at 119 r.epem. First cargo, loaded at Pointe Noire, was 24,090 gross tons of ore for Ashtabula. Following that delivery, she passed upbound at Detroit on her maiden voyage July 31. Dave Glick pho- tographed the new laker, named in honor of the board chairman of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Coe, off the lower end of Bob-Lo Island. William J. Luke Archibald Brighton Chas. Erickson Robert Zeleznik President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary 312 N.Clifton Rd. 17775 Parke Lane 781N.Shady 877 University Birn ingham Grosse Ile Hollow Circle Grosse Pointe Michigan Michigan Blmfid Hills Mch Michigan Editor: Curtis Haseltine, 13951 Faust, Detroit, Michigan