Sixty Years Ago Gleaned from the "Marine Review" of August, 1906, with modern comments (underlined) by Dave Glick. "Duluth - An old boat famous in the passenger traffic on Lake Superior, will soon be due again at Duluth in a new guise. The JAY GOULD was built as a passenger boat in 1869 and was owned by Handy Bros. of West Bay City. In 1903 she was sold for a song and taken from Sault Ste. Marie to Bay City where her cabins were torn out and_ she was rebuilt as a lumber boat by W. P. Rattray, who is now sailing her. She is on her third trip and will soon be in Duluth to load lumber, of which she can carry about 800,- 000 feet, for Holahan & Whiting." Can _ anyone tell _us_ how long this "Of the many boats putting in at Ashtabula, the steamer FRANCIS L. ROBBINS has perhaps the most dis- tinctive appearance with her hull painted green and the big "B" on her stack. The "B" lets the land- lubbers know she is owned by Mr. W. H. Becker." August, 1966, finds FRANCIS L. ROBBINS still painted green, and once again in the harbor at Ash- tabula. She is now the GEORGE W. MEAD and the "Mc" on_ her stack doesn't have a thing to do with her present owners. Anyway, may- be she appreciates being cut up in a city that thought so much "The small Canadian passenger stea- mer PREMIER, plying between Kings- veteran vessel lasted in the of her. lumber trade? "Duluth - On Wednesday last the EUGENE ZIMMERMAN, which left the lower lakes for Duluth in April on its maiden trip, and was sunk April 14 by the SAXONA in the St.Mary's river, arrived in Duluth. We have no record of any longer time being required to make the trip." Probably the longest maiden voy- age on record. "The steamer J.B.eCOWLE while enter- ing the port of Ashtabula last week pushed her fantail through the side of the Upson-Walton building, dama- ging the building slightly and dis- placing considerable of the stock." That's a new way of stocking the galley. "Mr. Ce. Fe. Barron, chief engineer of the remodeled passenger steamer HURON (formerly the DARIUS COLE) began his career aboard ship in 1856 on the steamer HURON running in the Ward Line from Detroit to Saginaw. He is likely to end his sailing experience on a boat of the same name, as he has been’ sailing steadily for fifty years." What_a speaker he would make for a_general meeting! ville and Pelee Island, was discov- ered aground near Pelee Island. A tug was sent from Amherstburg to her assistance." Did call for McQueen? "The steamer PREMIER of the WIND- sor-Sandusky Line has been charter- ed for the balance of the season by the Crystal Beach Co., of Buffalo. She is a comparatively new boat, 140 feet long with a 26-ft beam." The tug bill must have been high "The high-pressure cylinder of the White Star Line steamer CITY OF TOLEDO broke last week as she was turning around in Toledo harbor. She was towed to Detroit and will be repaired at the yard of the De- troit Ship Building Co. The steamer SAPPHO has been chartered to take her place." How _ would you like to ride out a Lake Erie storm on the SAPPHO? "Capt. Be. Re Walker, of the steamer ROUMANIA, distinguished himself at Ashtkbula last week by turning to in the galley to cook breakfast for his crew. The cook vamoosed the night before and the skipper served