XS The LoG SS By BILL LUKE Hall Corporation's 730-foot mot— orship LAWRENCECLIFFE HALL ii passed upbound through the wel- land Canal Aug. 4 following re- conditioning at Davie Shipbuild- ing, Lauzon. Sunk in collision with the British-flag SUNEK off the Isle of Orleans Nov. 16,1965, she was salvaged last winter by Marine Industries, Ltd., and tow- ed to Davie March 15, exactly nine months after she passed De- troit upbound on her maiden trip. The pilothouse off the scrapped canaller KEYVIVE has been ac-— quired by a Kingston, Ont., man who has installed it at his sum- mer residence on Stave Island in the Thousand Islands for use as a clubhouse. It is understood the City of Ham- ilton has abandoned plans to use the whaleback JOHN ERICSSON as a museum at Confederation Park. West Shore Fuel, Inc., Buffalo, have taken delivery of a new bunkering vessel, L.G.LADUCA II, built by Blount Marine, Warren, R.IssMeasuring.125%6" x 32° x=14* she replaces a smaller unit of the same name which has been sold to Marine Fueling, Inc., of Madi- son, Wis. and renamed MARINE FUEL OIL. The excursion steamer CANADIANA was towed from Buffalo Aug. 26 by the tug BURRO for eventual moor- ing at Eastlake, O., for use as a nightclub-restaurant. Her oil- burning power equipment may be installed in ERIE QUEEN (a.BAIN— BRIDGE, b.sALGCMAH II) presently laid up at Ashtabula. Chief among major projects slated for the coming winter layup are the diesel repowering of the self unloader CRISPIN OGLEBAY (a.WIL- LIAM LIVINGSTONE, b.S.B.WAY ii) and MYRON C. TAYLOR of the Colum- bia and Bradley fleets respec- tively. Columbia's craneboat ROBERT C. NORTON (a.LEONARD B. MILLER, beCHARLES We. GALLOWAY) will be converted to oil-fired boilers while the same fleet's self-unloader W.W.sHOLLOWAY (ae HENRY A. HAWGOOD, b.C. RUSSELL HUBBARD) will receive raised hat- ches. Capt. John Roen's barge WYCHEM 105 (asSAMUEL F.B.MORSE) was sunk at Leland, Miche, in July as a temporary breakwater during con- struction of a small boat harbor. Mid-Canada Transports, Ltd., have renamed their recently-acquired canaller WILLIAM H. DANIELS the SCOTT MARK. Comet Enterprises, Ltd's steamer SHELTER BAY (aeJAY C. MORSE) has been fitted with the boilers out of the former Misener steamer BAYTON (a.FRANCIS WIDLAR). The transfer was made at Port Col- borne in mid-season with SHELTER BAY resuming service about Aug. 15. BAYTON has been towed to Lake Calumet where with the former McCarthy auto carrier INGALLS, she will be sunk as a temporary breakwater for construction at Burns Harbor. Law Quarries Transportation's DOLOMITE (a.sEMPIRE CITY, b.SUMA- TRA), earlier reported sold for scrap, may see further’ service. Unconfirmed reports indicate that her condemned boilers may be re- conditioned. American Shipbuilding's Toledo yard completed the conversion for Pickands, Mather of the steamer FRANK PURNELL ii (asPILOT KNOB ii beSTEELTON ii) to self-unloader and she cleared Aug. 15. The Tol- edo facility will be the site of Amership's construction of the 278-foot oceanographic survey vessel for the Maritime Adminis- tration. (See June '66 LOG). The shipbuilding firm has a $4,700.- 000 contract to convert a Liberty ship to "minesweeper special" at the Lorain yard. Another new con- tract involves conversion to com-