bination container-railroad car- work will be completed by Nov. 1. ferry of four tankers for Hudson Waterways Corp. Port Weller Dry Docks, Ltd's. HULL 40, building for Fisheries Davie Shipbuildin Lauzon, has Research Board of Canada, was added aeue more ree to ‘their launched June 16 and will be backlog. The firm's HULL 653 will named £.E.PRINCE. Dimensions are take form as a twin-screw tanker 130' x 27' x 10'9", The yard laid for Hall Corp., measuring 370! the keel for HULL 41 Dec.22,1965, (OA) x 55" x 27'6". Canada Steam- a 730-foot self-unloading laker ship Lines have HULL 662 on order on order for Upper Lakes Shipping a diesel Fort-class" package Utd. freighter with dimensions of 467' Collingwood Shipyard's HULL 183, x s7" x 32'. Davie also will twin-screw diesel sounding vessel build another pair of package for Department of Transport, was freight motorships for N.M.Pater- jaunched Auge 20 and will be son & Sons, Ltd., to slightly named NICOLET. larger measurements than LABRADOC and PRINDOC completed earlier this season. pavieship delivereq The 257-foot yacht DELPHINE was HULL 658, the 730-foot motorship @cqduired in late July by Roy A. A. S. GLOSSBRENNER, to Labrador ‘SWay2e, of Fairfax, Va., and as— Steamships, Ltd., July 22. She sociates for $86,000 from Mrs. passed upbound at Detroit on her Anna Thompson odge. The craft maiden voyage July 31. (See cover has laid idle at a New London, Aug. '66 Historian) Conn., boatyard for almost four years. Owners plan renovation at G. & W. Welding, Cleveland, has @ Haitian shipyard for use as a begun work on Ford's steamer, the travel club unit. DELPHINE left ROBERT S. MCNAMARA (a.STADACONA i @troit under her own power for b.WeHeMCGEAN) involving construc- the East Coast in November, 1962. tion of a 5-foot-high trunk deck Hall Corp. sold their steamer running the full length of the MICHIGAN Aug. 6 to Algoma Central cargo hold, which will add signi- and Hudson Bay Railway Co. To be ficantly to the coal cargo capa- operated under Providence Ship- city and eliminate the need for ping Co., Ltd., Algoma's Bahamian conventional hatch covers. Build- flag affiliate, the former Cleve- ing of larger hatch land-Cliffs bulker will be renam- also involved in the project. The ed GOUDREAU. Oo A Oy Od Photo by Jimmy Tafoyas Free Press EMSSTEIN burning after her collision the night of Oct. 6 with OLYMPIC PEARL just below St.Clair. Skipper grounded her near Canadian shore.