L2- » Che With the sale of the Wilson Marine Transit Co., to Litton Industries for $7,300,000 now completed, the Wilson fleet has become a division of Ingalls Shipbuilding Corpe, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Litton. The U. Se Navy submarine CERO, for some time a fixture on Detroit's waterfront at her mooring at the Brodhead Naval Armory, will be moved to Ste Louis, Mo. this spring where she will become an éxhibit at the Transport. National Museum of Malcolm Marine Salvage and Cons- truction Co., of Marine City is removing the steel coil cargo from the German salty NORDMEER, aground with her back broken on Thunder Bay Shoal off Alpena where she has been abandoned by her ownerse The cargo was bought from the under- writers by Glenside Steel Co., of Philadelphia. The former Northwest Steamships, Ltd., package freighter A.A.HUDSON (asRAHANE), sold in 1965 to Hudson Shipping & Trading, Ltd., Nassau and converted for saltwater opera— tion at Port Dalhousie, has been laid up at Port Everglades, Fla., since late January. She was earl- ier impounded at Palm Beach for non-payment of dockage fees and has been inoperative since then. Contrary to earlier reports, she was NOT renamed HUDSON TRADER. (See June '66 LOG) od American Shipbuilding, Lorain, has been awarded a contract to diesel repower and automate the Bradley Fleet's 600' self-unloader MYRON C. TAYLOR. Work on her will begin at the end of the 1965 navigation season, and NOT this winter as was earlier reported. American Ship officials have indicated that the company is negotiating for several lengthening and conversion con- tracts involving lake boats. Comp- letion of the new Poe Lock at the LOG c~_w Soo in June, 1968, prompts lake operators to enlarge present units to make full use of this new faci- lity. Upper Lakes Shipping, Ltd's 730- foot self-unloader, now under con- struction for operation by Papa- christidis Co., Ltd., Montreal, will be christened FEUX FOLLETS. Port Arthur Shipbuilding is con- verting Canada Steamship Lines' COVERDALE from coal to oil-fired boilers this winter. ¢ When sale of Papachristidis Co., Ltd's 730-foot steamer DON-DE-DIEU to Labrador Steamships, Ltd., is completed this spring, she will be renamed V. W. SCULLY. Negotiations are underway for the sale of Pickands-Mather's steamer HARRY W. CROFT (a.FRED G. HARTWELL i) to Bomar Shipping Lines, Ltd., a newly-formed affiliate of North Shore Shipping Lines, Ltd. She will be rechristened PRINCE QUEBEG Meanwhile, North Shore has_ sold the motorship PRINCE UNGAVA (ae FRANQUELIN) to Desgagnes Navigat- ion, Ltd., Montreal. She, too, will be renamed. Packands—Mather's newly-acquired steamer WILLIAM P. SNYDER JR. will be chartered to Shenango Furnace Co., her former owners, for the 1967 season. It was earlier an- nounced that P-M would rename this vessel PATHFINDER. Rechristening will now be put off until expira- tion of this charter. Meanwhile, P-M has purchased Shenango's 710- foot SHENANGO II. The carferry ANN ARBOR NO. 5 has been séld by Bulk Food Carriers, Inc., to Hudson Waterways Co., New York, presumably for trade-in on surplus Maritime Administration tonnage. (See July '66 LOG) laker CORPUS The former CHRISTI