2 sthe Loe ow BULLHORN Litton Industries, whose interest in the Great Lakes scene was made apparent with its purchase of the Wilson Marine Transit fleet last winter, appears ready to initiate construction of a shipyard at Erie, Paes Announcement was made April 18 that Litton had secured a $3,200,000, 25-year loan from the Pennsylvania Industrial Dev- elopment «Authority to assist in financing the facility, with the Greater Erie Industrial Develop- ment Corp.e, to provide additional credit. Negotiations with lake boat owner-operators have been underway for some time and it is expected construction of the first unit may begin early next year for 1969 delivery. The U.S. Corps of Engineers which has announced that the new Poe Lock at the Soo will not open un- til late spring of early summer of 1968, has indicated that the maximum width of vessels using the lock will be 105 feet, a five foot increase from the earlier announced limitation. Cost of the lock will approximate $40,500,000, Oswego Shipping Corp., New York, new parent company of the Ameri- can Steamship Co., group of Great Lakes self-unloaders, has an- nounced that plans are underway for expansion of its fleet. Indi- cations are that American-flag lake operators may be allowed to construct lakers in foreign ship- yards. Pleas of American fleet operators for both construction and operating subsidies through the Lakes Carriers' Association have thus far been fruitless. The Canadian Department of Trans- port in mid-April ruled that 10 bulk freighters, all of which were purchased from American lake operators, must lay up by Oct. 31 each year. The ruling resulted from tests of hull sections made after the loss of Bethlehems DANIEL J. MORRELL last Identification of spe- Oldest 19035 600-foot November. cific lakers was ‘not made. of the boats was built in newest constructed in 1923. The the oldest commercial vessel on Great Lakes, Canadian Nation- al Railway's railroad carferry HURON, built at Point Edward 92 years ago, is being equipped with a new pilothouse at Windsor. This renovation appears to insure this iron-hulled steamer's passing a full century of service. Huron Cement's S.t.eCRAPO cleared Detroit for Alpena March 15. The Bradley Fleet's JOHN Ge MUNSON opened the season at the Straits of Mackinac with her westbound passage enroute to Gary March 30. The Welland Canal opened 4pril 1 with Imperial Oil's IMPERIAL WINDSOR upbound. Inland Steel's EDWARD Le RYERSON opened Escanaba on “priil 7, with the: irish ‘sality CARRIGAN HEAD initiating movement in the Seaway the same day. Soo operations began April 10 with upbound lockage of Misener's JOHN Ae FRANCE. Durin the week of April 15 two more bodies from the sunken DAN- IEL J. MORRELL were found near Southampton, Ont. All but four crewmen have been accounted for to date. Two veteran package freighters of the CSL fleet, steamers COLLING- WOCD and RENVOYLE, resumed ser- vice in early May. Last month's Historian feature, "The Lookout," indicated that both units had been permanently withdrawn from CSL service. The former CSL package freighter BATTLEFORD cleared Halifax last Dec. 9 for Nassau to enter ser- vice between there and Florida ports in the cement trade. Cement's Medusa Portland newly- oO a a