The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 21, No. 3 November, 1967 "oye T PNG from color by Rev. Carl F. Hall At 3:30 in the morning on July 18, 1967, most of the residents of the little fishing vil- lage of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, were awakened by a loud report which sounded like someone had fired a giant rifle. When dawn rose over the harbor a strange sight greeted them. At the salt-loading dock lay NEW YORK NEWS (a. TECUMSEH), very much sunk amidships from too much salt in one place. Reverend Carl F. Hall of West Stafford, Conn. Sea to be visiting Pugwash and took a picture which he has been so good as to share ‘with A few days after the picture was taken, NEW YORK NEWS was raised in two pieces and both were towed to Halifax and put back together. By fall she was back in service.