sthe BULLHORN A. reliable source says that when LAKE ED- WARD enters the sand trade for Erie Sand (See Sept. LOG) she will be named J. S. ST. The Papachristidis steamers NEWBRUNSWICKER and HAMILTONIAN have been renamed GRANDE HERMINE and PETITE HERMINE respectively, thus carrying on names of two of the ves— sels used by Jacques Cartier on his 1535 second voyage of discovery to Canada. The first new steamer to enter service in several years, FEUX FOLLETS, was christened at Collingwood on Oct. 10 and passed up at the Soo on her maiden voyage on Oct. 13. On her downbound trip on Oct. 17. she almost just above still dry and protected only by FEUX FOLLETS' boilers had a "flameout" she lost power and took a sheer toward the new lock, sending workmen scurrying up out of the lock. She was finally stopped less than 100 feet from the stoplogs Tanker LUBROLAKE (asMERCURY) was towed from Toronto to Hamilton on Aug. by the tug ARGUE MARTIN. She left Hamilton for Mont- real on Sept. 18 in tow of the tugs ARGUE MARTIN. and LAC ERIE. Her fate is uncertain. MUSKEGON (which O-hp die- summer is On Oct. 13 Bultema's tug since her repowering with two 16! sels at Sturgeon Bay this past the most powerful lakes) towea the nuil the rormer IMPERIAL HAMILTON (a.SARNOLITE, b. IMPERIAL SARNIA) from its resting place of the last four years, Windsor's Ojibway Slip. presumed that the hull will be used in breakwater construction on Lake Michigan. IMPERIAL HAMILTON's forward cabins now house fellow-member Malcolm McRae's Marine Museum at Corunna, Ont. 28 MUSKEGON returned and left again w. hull of CHEMBARGE NO. 3 (ae CARDTERDOC) presumably a part of the same deal from last fall's sinking of MORRELL continue to be heard. The U.S. Coast d has proposed new safe- ty standards American lakers which would include an independent source of pow- er forward which would operate the communi- cations system in the pilothouse in case of emergency. This October the Coast Guard al- so put into operation a Lake Vessel Report— ing System (LAVERS). The system will keep tracl of all vessels moving on the open Lakes through reporting stations and radio checks. If a vessel is four hours overdue in reporting, a "communications search" will be started. If this is not successful in locating the vessel in one hour, a full- scale air-sea search will be initiated. Repercussions the DANIEL J. LOG —~_ Participation by vessels in "LAVERS" wi be voluntary. ie) Skindivers have located and visited the steamer COMET which sank in 1861 off Island, Lake Ontario. A number including full bottles of wine, recovered. have been An account from “ake Michigan says that the hulls of the ALFRED KRUPP, oe been ae P= ICO and ADRIAN ISELIN, bee by Luedtke Engineering Co., who have the contract to build intake piers for the Wis- consin-Michigan Power Company's nuclear power plant. SWAPS & SALES COL. ROBERT M. MCCORMICK has been sold to new, and as yet unknown, owners for service in the West Indies. Renamed MONTAGU BAY, she went down the Seaway under her own pow— er on Oct. 4. SCRAPS LEONARD C. HANNA, previously sold to Hudson Waterways who traded her in to the Maritime Administration for a surplus troopship, was towed into Port Colborne on Oct. 4 by the tugs GRAEME STEWART and G.eW.eROGERS. It i not now known if she will be disnanciea@) Humberstone or towed to Hamilton or ov sease POWELL STACKHOUSE was towed down the Well- and Canal on Oct. 4 by the tugs SALVAGE MONARCH and G. We ROGERS. ~She was followed the following day by LEBANON (a.JOSIAH G. MONRO, b.EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS) which was in of the tugs GRAEME STEWART and G. W. 12 both vessels left Lauzon RS. On Oct. Que., as a tandem tow for the Polish tug JANTAR. Destination for these two veteran Spanish shipbreaking Destined for a similar ate was an- tandem tow which reportedly left Lauzon behind the same tug in mid-September While we have been unable to learn the id- entity of half of this earlier tow, it in- cluded the tanker MAKAWELI (a.COWEE), thus removing the last of the famous World War I "Lakers" from the Lakes. Bethlehem boats was a GEORGE HINDMAN (a.WILLIAM D. eopce? be BAIRD TEWKSBURY) arrived power on Oct. 13 at the Duluth Iron & Netal Company's Duluth dock where she will be dismantled this winter. She went aground near Clayton, N.Y. on Aug. 16 quent inspection at Collingwood showed her damage was beyond economic repair. The veteran barge CONSTITUTICN was coved Marine Salvage's geeretgs scrapyard on Oct. 3 by the tugs GR. TEWART and Ge We ROGERS.