V2» the BULLHORN When the Seaway closed on Dec. 15, all saltwater vessels were winners in their annual race to get out. The Welland Canal closed the following day but it appears that the Soo Locks will remain open into early January to accommodate the five U. S. Steel boats still hauling pellets. This makes 1967 the longest ore-shipping season in history. A Midland, Ontario, newspaper reports that Canadian Pacific has decided to end its Great Lakes marine operations and ASSINIBOIA will be offered for sale. In Dec. CANADIAN CENTURY set an all-time record for coal when she coe 28 ,282.55 tons from Conneaut. In her first season of operation, the CENTURY took 1,705,654 tons of coal from Lake Erie to Lake Ont- ario in 63 trips. c.S.L." ae former canaler, GRAINMOTOR, now owned by Bahamas Shipowners , Ltd., is in pes in the West Indies as BULK GOLD. SCRAPS Reports indicate that four veteran Pat- erson vessels are headed for the scrap- pers. They indicate that Marine Sal- ve has purchased the steamers SOODOC (a. MOSES TAYLOR) and WINDOC (a. M. A. HANNA; b. HYDRUS) as well as the motor- vessel HUMBERDOC (a. NORFOLK), while Steel Factors now owns M/V GASPEDOC (a. LST 885). 1967 LAKERS ARRIVING IN EUROPE FOR SCRAPPING date vessel destination arrived COALFAX Santander,Spain Aug. 30 WESTMOUNT i, ee Aug. 30 SASKADOC Z i Sept. 24 AUGUSTUS B.WOLVIN " e Sept. 24 LEBANON Ma id Nov. 9 POWELL STACKHOUSE " i Nov. 9 ALGOSOO Bi tboa, Spain ee a4 ee May 24 MAKAWE. Spezta, Italy lov. 5 eens DEER grounded off Portofino, Ita- ly on Nov. 6 while bound for Spezia. _ @& - L@Go~ SHIPYARD SHAVINGS | Litton Industries has announced that their new shipyard at Erie will be a conventional facility with a large grav- ing dock rather than the highly-automat- ed floating plant originally planned. A reliable report says that construction will begin soon at Sorel, Que., ona German-designed tanker for service on the Lakes and St. Lawrence by Shell Oil of Canada, with delivery in 1969. Work has begun at American Ship Building Co.'s Toledo yard on the repowering of MYRON C. TAYLOR with a 4000 H.-P. Nord- berg diesel engine. C.S.L.'s 730' bulk freighter building as Hull 661 at Davie Shipbuilding, Ltd. Lauzon, Que., was launched as ° FRONTENAC on Dec. 12 Dave Glick CONTRIBUTORS : A, Bradley E. Ridd G. Hawthorn P. Sherlock @ Ph Luke R. Zekeznik WS MacDonald and...S. Blossom The Marine Historical Society of Detroit SCHEDULE OF WINTER MEETINGS -- 1968 «..Sat. Jan. 20, 8 p.m., Dossin Museum Speaker: Father Dowling .+.Sat. Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m., BANQUET Edison Boat. Club Program: Harry Wolf, ..Sat. Mar, 23, 8 p.m., site to be set Speaker: Gordon Wendt Members and Guests cordially eee to — _ ALL MEETINGS The Detroit Marine Historian is mete lished monthly in the U.S.A. by the Marine Historical Society of Detroit Incorporated,a non-profit education- al group dedicated to the preserva- tion of the marine history of the Great Lakes. Editor: dent: CURTIS HASELTINE 13951 Faust Ei ig e igT ea hierar re, re repair ad ate =o me na E Ss we w a n aod Detroit, Michigan 48223 Michigan 48080 +