Photo by Abbass Studio, Sydney, N.S., courtesy of Skip Gillham HARD AGROUND on Dec. 4, two days after their mishap are 1) LUBROLAKE with for- ward cabins missing, 2) the un-named barge that was the other half of the tow and 3) the tug IRVING BEACH. Standing by off the beach near New Waterford, N.S., is presumably 4) the tug IRVING BIRCH. Reports are conflicting, but it appears that LUBROLAKE is now owned by Atlantic Towing, Ltd., and that when she got into trouble she was being towed to St. John, N. B., to hold storage fuel for the fishing fleet. e& Sixty Years Ago CZ LAKE LAUNCHES FOR reported by THE MARINE REVIEW of 1908 » prepared by Dave Glick --Feb.5 at Great Lakes Engineering Works, St.Clair, HULL 39, bulk freighter NORMANIA (b. WILLIAM F.STIFEL [16]) for Ashtabula §.S.Co.,Pickands-Mather,Mer. [To Italy for scrapping, 1960.] ..Feb.7 at Great Lakes Fngineering Works. Ecorse, HULL 38, bulk freighter M.A. BRAD-. LEY (b. GRAHAM C.WOODRUFF [31]; c. FRED L.HEWITT [41]; d. EVERETTON [47]) for Alva S.S.Co., «Bradley, Mer. [In service, 1967.] --Feb.8 at American Ship Building Co., Lorain, HULL 358, bulk freighter J.J.H. BROW for Brown S.S.Co. [To Italy for scrapping, 1965. ..-Feb.18 at Benj. Cowles Shipyard, Buffalo, HULL 102, tug WALTER MATTICK (b. WALTER ‘ATTICK [16]: ¢. MERCHANT [19]: d. MARINETTE [25]; e. ESTHER S.[47]: f. MOUNT MeKAY [67]). Built on speculation and launched un-named but soon sold to and named for Walter Mattick of Buffalo. [Dieselized, 1952. In service, 1967] --Feb.22 at American Ship Building Co., Lorain, HULL 359, bulk freighter JOHN A. Mc- GEAN, for Hutchinson & Co. [Lost with all hands, Lake Huron, November 9, 1913] --Feb.22 at Buffalo Dry Dock Co., Buffalo, HULL 213, day passenger AMERICANA for the Lake Erie Excursion Co. [To Atlantic coast, 1930; to Baltimore for scrap,1953] ...Feb.29 at American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, HULL 441, bulk freighter J.E.UP- SON for Wilson Transit Co. [In service, 1967 "The Collingwood Ship Building Co., Coll- IT'S A SMALL WORLD...Last month we toed imgwood, Ont., has reopened its shipyard, workmen having consented to accept the proposed reduction of 15 per cent in their wages."...We guess that tough tines have hit the shipyards before and apper- ently this 1908 quotation proves it. that Miss Blanche Giasson had been chosen by her Wyandotte High Schook class to ehrisien the WAINWRIGHT on Jan. 25, 1908. We have since Learned from our fet ow- member ‘George Giasson that Blanche was his sister and that he renenbers it well.