CXS Whe LoG = BULLHORN this year, mid-summer finds many boats at their docks. A strike of Sea- way personnel which began on June 21 has idled most of the Canadian Lake fleet and trapped a number of salties. BAYFAIR has been towed to Cornwall and drydocked in the old Bingley Drydock, raising hopes that she may return to service. Ferry service to Peche Island at the head of the Detroit River began on May 29. The four motorvessels, PECHE ISLAND II, PECHE ISLAND III, PECHE ISLAND Iv, and PECHE ISLAND V were delivered from Hike Metal's Wheatly, Ont., shipyard a few days earlier. Since July 1, hour- ly sailings to the Island have been made from both Detroit and Windsor. HUSKEY 120, reportedly sold to Johnstone Ludington Daily News photo courtesy of Paul Crocker Coming home for what may well prove to be the last time, CITY OF FLINT 32 goes into "indefinite lay-up" at Ludington on Nov. 30, 1967. Built in 1930, she is probably best remembered for her stay on the beach in the Armistice Day storm of 1940, but in 1939 the turbo-electric car ferry set aworld's record by traveling over one- hundred-thousand miles in one year. King Construction Co. of Holland, Mich., is salvaging machinery from the CEDAR- VILLE. She has been on the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac since May, 1965. VALLEY CAMP arrived at the Soo on July 3 in tow of the JOHN PURVES after the tug- men's union prevented the U.S.C.G.C.MAC- KINAW from making the tow. She will be- come a floating tourist attraction on the U.S. side. POINTE NOIRE went into an early lay-up at Erie, her future very much in doubt. FIRBRANCH (a. MILLICAN PARK) has had a part of her engine removed and is now used as a storage tank barge at Sorel. Tanker CORPUS CHRISTI (a. HORACE S. WIL- KINSON; b. BELGIUM; c. MICHIGAN) has been reduced to a barge by her present owners, Pullman Bank & Trust Co. of Pan- ama. The fromer steamer JOHN L. A. GALSTER has been returned to the cement trade on Lake Michigan as a barge. ated by North American Barge Line and is towed by the tug NORTH AMERICAN, recent- ly brought in from the East Coast. SWAPS & SALES On May 22, Inland's JOSEPH BLOCK ground- ed at the entrance to Green Bay. Pulled free she was taken to Manitowoc where it was found that she had extensive bottom . She was surrendered to the un- derwriters who then sold her to Lake Shipping, Inc., a new subsidiary of the American Ship Building Co. She has been towed to South Chicago and will be re- paired in time to enter service this fall is business demands. On June 28, stockholders of the American Ship Building Co. approved the acquisi- tion of the Kinsman Marine Transit Co. AmShip has purchased two long-idle U.S. Steel boats. WILLIAM B. DICKSON will be refitted at Lorain and be assigned to the Kinsman Fleet while WILLIAM J.OLCOIT will be worked over at South Chicago and i) become part of the Buckeye Fleet. CHARLES E. DUNLAP (a. L. M. BOWERS) been sold by Tomlinson to Vitamin op sule Corp. of Buffalo. Her future is very much in doubt. a She is oper- 4