Photo by John Bascom, Jr. Some people doubted us when we reported in the May issue that OIL TRANSPORT (a. TRANSOIL; b. OIL TRANSPORTER) had been renamed WIT prior to her departure to the West Indies. One person even suggested that the new name might stand for "water in transit." ting out at Port Dalhousie on April 20. CORRESPORDENRSE John 0. Greenwood writes to tell us that Lake Boats '68 has been a complete sell- out. He suggests that Members who want this fine publication next year order early. John says that he still has a few copies of the 1968 edition of Green- wood's Guide to Great Lakes Shipping. For complete information write to the Freshwater Press, Inc., Room 446, The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Loudon Wilson checks in with another possible identification’ for the "mystery tug" photo in our February issue. He thinks that it might be METAMORA fitting out for duty during the Fenian scare. He has promised to carry out some more research on the matter for us. To satisfy all you doubters we publish this fine photo of WIT fit- AF HHO Alfred H. Troy, 3351-A North 20th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206, passes along the good news that as a result of our note in the March issue he has begun ex- changing fish tug photos with several members. He is still interested in hearing from anyone who shares his in- terest in fish tugs of the Lakes and es- pecially the old steam tugs of Lake Michigan. + The Detroit Marine Historian is pub- St.Clair Shores, Detroit, Michigan 48223 Michigan 48080 + + lished monthly in the U.S.A. by the + + Marine Historical Society of Detroit + + Incorporated, a eee society. + + Editor: esident: + + CURTIS HASELTINE EDUARD J. MORRIS + + 13951 Faust 22919 Alger kd + + + +