Manitowoc, Wisconsin MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING, INC. Butelma Dredge & Dock Co. 4600 Vicon Dredge 436 MICHIGAN Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. Manitowoc Hydro=Dump Barge 235'x 45!x 18? o) 437 No. 42 Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin PETERSON BUILDERS, INC. Us ne Navy/Military Aid Pro, stal Minesweepers 145%x 22tx 13th C= 316 6 JUN 67 19 SEP EP 67 8 JUN cee MSC=318 8 DEC 67 4 ARP 68 eal? 20 SEP 67 8 DEC 67 20 JUL 68 MSC~319 1 APR 68 U. S. Navy Torpedo Retrievers 65'x 17!2"x 8t TR-675 4 oct 67 5 JUN Aa" ae JUN 68 72-67, th FRB. 68 TR-676 5 oct 6% ‘18 SON 68 R=67. 28 FEB 68 U. S. Navy/ ae Aid Cees Patrol dal od, 102'x 22%x 716" PGHe112 8 m114 PGHe113 Pomils Penis U. S. Navy 5 -Aluminum Patrol gunboats Diesel/Gas Turbine 165'x 22!x 14 USS WELCH (PG=-93) 8 BAY 8 25 JUL 68 _ BEACON (P6~99 USS DEFIANCE (PG-95) 8 (PG=101) USS SURPRISE (PG-97) 23 TAL & Sturgeon Bay, Wisoonsin STURGEON BAY SHIP BUILDING & DRYDOCK CO. Old Colony Trawling Co. Diesel Stern Trawler 131°2"x 28%x 14t5" 271 OLD COLONY 15 JAN 68 10 MAY 68 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company Manitowoc Hydro=Dump Barge 235'x 45'x 18! 701 No. ¥ 15 JUN 68 Sturgeon Bay Ship Building & Drydock Co. was sold to Manitowoc Shipbuilding, Inc. and became Bay Shipbuilding Corporation on July 1, 1968 Collingwood, Ont. CANADIAN SHIPBULDING & ENGINEERING, LTD. QoQ Algoma Central Railways, Ltd. Multiple Diesel Lake Self-Unloading Vessel 640'x 72x Hot 189 ALGORAIL (2 20 JUN 67 19 DEC 67 APR 68 Algoma Central Railways, Ltd. Multiple Diesel Lake Bulk Carrier 730'x 75'x 3918" 191 (Unenamed as yet) 28 DEC 67 18 JUN 68 Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd. Heavy Diesel Lake Self-Unloader 730'x 75tx hat 192 21 JUN 68 Texaco of Canada, Ltd. Diesel Seaway & Coastal Tanker 4OOtx 54tx 2686" 1930 JUL 68 Kingstone Onte Department of Transport Diesel Channel Workboat oo aia 20'x 819" 107 ccG JEAN BOURDON 15 JUN 67 MAR 68 1 MAY 68 This yard has been closed down and work shifted to Collingwood and Port Arthur. Port Arthur, Ont, an-Artic Oils, Ltd. Ton Barge tx tx x! L. A. LEAR ONT (Has Alexnee) “gor ore 3 16 MAY 68 5 JUL 68 £2 JUL 68 COTTY GALL 175%x 48tx 13' 17 JUN 68 19 JUL 68 2B JUL 68 Nontreal, Quebec CANADIAN VICKERS SHIPYARDS, LTD, Department of Transport Tri.Sc. Steam murbozieatais Artic zatrol Icebreaker 366'8"x 80¢ 286 CGS LOUIS S, ST. LAURENT 15 MAR 65 3 DEC 66 Department of Transport Gas Turbine Tw. Sc. Gulf Icebreaker 295'x 62t6"x 26% o) 289 CGS NORMAN licLEOD ROGERS 16 JAN 67 25 MAY 68 Scott iene Steamships, tie aceon Special Lake Self-Unloader 730° 45 en yet 293 RALPH 7 MAR 67 11 Pa oe JUN 68 ae 16 Nov 67 6 eo British Yukon Navigation Co., Ltd. Diesel Tanker/Container Ship 394'x 70'x 3696"