Outward Bound THE PARADE of Great Lakes freighters to the shipbreakers continues without a pause, Some have, indeed, outlived their usefulness but increasingly vessels are being scrapped that in former years would be expected to have a long, meee ies ahead of them, Here we have two venerable Canada Steamship Lines boats on their way, craermtner own power, through the Welland Canal on voyages scheduled to end at European scrapyards,. The top photo shows ASHCROFT below Lock 3 on June 17, taken by fellow member E. B. Gillham, of Vineland, Ont. Be- low ASHCROFT is DONNACONA on her last trip through the Port Weller piers, downbound on June 14, This photo is by fellow member Bill e Wilson who also took our cover photo this month, For the story on the scrapping of lakers, see Dave Glick's round-up on Page 3.