L2 > the BULLHORN EASTERN SHELL (a,.LAKESHELL, JOHN Ae MODOUGALL) has been re- named MARKETER but is still owned by Shell. HOWARD HINDMAN (a.A.A.AUGUSTUS) did quite a bit of damage to herself earlier this season when her steering cables parted in the rock cut just below the Sods CHIEF WAWATAM is laid up at Che- boygan while Bultema's tug MUSK- EGON and barge MANISTEE handle the railroad traffic at the Straits during the ice-free sea- son. Speaking of the Straits, on June 22 the new STRAITS OF MACK- INAC was upbound at 3 p.m. at Port Colborne, Hull of the old MONTAUK (a.MON- TAUK, beKING EDWARD, c.FOREST city} is still at Bay City owned by a man named Youngstrom who uses her for occasional dredging, The JOHN L. A. GALSTER (a.KAMIN- ISTIQUIA, b.WESTOIL, c.J.B.JOHN) has been renamed SEA CASTLE and is again being pulled by the tug NORTH AMERICAN which now sports the name LAUREN CASTLE, It looks like SUNWARD will NoT be coming Lakeward for a whiles The owners say they will not take any ship from the Caribbean service until the 1972 season at the earliest» CAPE BRETON MINER has been re- named CONVEYOR and is registered out of Nassaus Because of near-record high wat- [OG 62 er, the Corps of Engineers has imposed speed limits in the St. Clair River to minimize shore damage. The limits are 9 mph ov- er the bottom from the Blue Wat- er Bridge to Stag Island Upper Light and from there down to the St. Clair Flats Canal Light 2, 10 mph. SCRAPS It is reported that the same special CSL-crew that took DON- NACONA (a.W. GRANT MORDEN) to Quebec will back and get MARTIAN (a.NEPTUNE, b.WILLIAM M, CONNELLY) and move her from Windsor to Kingston. This crew also took LEMOYNE (a.GLENMOHR) to Quebec earlier and when she arrived there GOUDREAU (a.MICHI- GAN) was the only scrapper still there. LEMOYNE and GOUDREAU may go overseas as one tow and DON- NACONA and HOWARD HINDMAN may make up another, ASHCROFT (a.GLENIFFER) was down- bound at Detroit at 2:35 a.m. on June 16 with grain for Quebece A one-way trip with final destina- tion a European scrapyard. At Toronto on June 16 HOWARD L. SHAW had her stack-off, mast out and engine equipment was coming out through a large hole in her boilerhouse. Her pilothouse and forward cabins have been strip- ped of woodwork. She, along with VICTORIOUS (a.VICTORY) and DOUG- LASS HOUGHTON, have been sold for $145,000 to the Ontario gov- ernment for a landfill off Tor- onto's Canadian National Exhibi- tion groundse Dave “Glick & Hal Jackson ER 822 2a oe Cornillie will present our Sept. 27 program at te pem. EASTERN STANDARD TIME (Sarnia clocks will read 8 p.mo in the Sarnia Public Library. He will show a selection of. his more than 3,000 color pho- tos, including some he has made of scrapping operations in the Wel- land Canal and Hamilton, Ont., shipbreaking centers. Thus another season of programs gets off to a good start in a favorite site. @