L2 >» the BULLHORN Tug MISEFORD and barge MALDEN were down the Welland Canal on June 24 to work on filling the old hulls for a _ breakwater at Toronto. QUETICO (a.WHITEFISH BAY) made her first trip down at the Soo as a self-unloader on July 3. Four or five Misener boats have come back out. Seen were ROYAL- TON, MATHEWSTON, JOHN D. MCKEL- LAR and J. N. MCWATTERS. MERLE M. MCCURDY (a.WILLIAM B. DICKSON) will be christened at Dock 28, Cleveland, Aug. 1 and will enter service. SIR JAMES DUNN has joined ALGO- CEN in layup at Ojibway. DIAMOND ALKALI loaded the first cargo of potash to move through the U. S. Lakehead in late June. This marked the first time she had been up there, according to Duluth papers. Port Arthur and Fort William, the Canadian Lakehead cities, voted to combine under the new name of Thunder Bay. This name won out in an election over The Lakehead and Lakehead. ERIE QUEEN was seen tied up on the East River in New York City with a new pilothouse and stack. CLIFFS VICTORY is hauling ore from Marquette to Huron, 0., a 4%-day round-trip for her. LAKE MANITOBA set a new ore re- cord when she carried 30,430 tons of Port Arthur ore through the New Poe Lock on July ¥_ 9, thus breaking EDMUND FITZGERALD's old record of 30,260 tons. Other new records will be set as soon as the Coast Guard approves deeper Plimsoll marks for all boats built since 1948. Most boats LOG ~__w should get about five more inch- es of draft at all seasons. We understand that some new marks are already being painted on some boats. The new mark will not apply to self-unloaders un- less they have one-piece hatch covers, also it does not as yet apply to Canadian boats although it is expected the D. 0. T. wil go along with the idea soon. TOLEDO SUN was upbound at the Canadian Soo on July 14. "She looks like a large scow, rounded bow, pilothouse forward, a small cabin aft and twin outboard en- gines," our informant reports. She may be headed for Delaware Bay service. SPRUCEDALE (a.JOHN DUNN JR.) was towed out of Toronto June 29. DONNACONA (a.W.GRANT MORDEN) and BEN E. TATE (a.WILLIAM NELSON) left Quebec, both light, June 21 for Spain behind tug MISSISSIPPI LEMOYNE (a.GLENMOHR) and GOUD- REAU (a.MICHIGAN) left Quebec on June 9 behind tug KORAL for Spain also. Tug LIBERTY at the Soo floating drydock on July 11 for plate work to strengthen her for win- ter harbor work at Bay City. SOUTH AMERICAN is reported dead at Norfolk, Va., with white stacks with blue tops. SWAPS & SALES NORMAC was down at Detroit July 23 on her way to Toronto where she has been purchased by John Letnik for use, possibly as a restaurant. HUDSON TRADER (a.A.A.HUDSON) re- portedly has been sold by Hudson Shipping & Trading Ltd., Nassau, to an unidentified U. S. sas for conversion into a barg Dave Glick & Hal Secestn e