P vy Speaker for our annual dinner meeting Feb. 21 will be Stuart Armour of the Great Lakes Waterways Development Association. The meeting will be at the Pick-Fort Shelby Hotel in Detroit. Mr. Armour is an excellent speaker with long and intimate association with shipping on the Great Lakes. It was his knowledge that caused him to be cho- sen to head the organization that spearheads Canadian opposition to tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Welland Canal. Reservat— ions must be returned to Bob Zeleznik, 877 University Place, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48230, by Thursday, Feb. 19. A long-needed research center on Great Lakes history has been estab- lished at Bowling Green (Ohio) State University with our fellow mem- ber, Dr. Richard Wright, as its direétor and principal donor. The new Northwest Ohio-Great Lakes Research Center contains Dr. Wright's personal collection of more than 20,000 photographs, his library of more than 1,000 books on the Great Lakes and a vast quantity of logs and letters. Also included are 600 bound volumes of the Detroit Free Press from 1878 until the late 1950s, donated by the Detroit Histor- ical Commission.