© of bottom repairs and her certi- ficate is back in force. Boland & Cornelius will close its Detroit office on April l. The Duluth office was closed last fall and those in Chicago, Cleveland and Winnipeg remain in doubt. Headquarters for the op- erating firm for American Steam- ship is in Buffalo. Start of the coal run from Tole- do to Detroit was a tough one this season. The ROBERT S. MCNAw MARA and BEN CALVIN, hauling for Ford and Hanna Furnace respec- tively, left Toledo on Tuesday morning, March 2, and didn't get in to Detroit until Thursday af- ternoon, 55 and 54 hours later. Two fishermen, Douglas Keegan, 18, and Peter Wall, 17, were lost when the fish tug SANDY PaT foundered in high seas a mile off Erieau on Dec. 3. Three oth- ers on the tug were rescued by the fish tug DONNA F. SANDY PAT was later On Dec. 7 the worst storm in 45 years hit the north of Lake Erie, causing minor damage. salvaged. shore McQueen Marine's tugs ATOMIC and AMHERSTBURG went to Port Huron +o push PERE MARQUETTE 10 across the river on a trial basis. They used PM 10 because PM 12, bought by the Canadian National, had no steam. On Feb. 6, 1970, Dan M, Weber, of Toledo, died in iverside Hospital there after a short illness. Dan was not only a good member of our Society but found- er and "Chief Engineer" of the Lake Erie Steam Association and a member of the Great Lakes Mar- itime Institute.His 22-foot SIL- VER STAR, a steam launch he built from an old lifeboat, was a familiar sight on the Maumee River and Maumee Bay. It was Dan who got our Yociety its annual cruises on the old ASSINIBOIA, a custom continued as long as the ASSINIBOIA conti- nued in operation. started on Another heavy loss to our Socie- ty was the death on March 4 of Ed Weigand -- who also enjoyed those ASSINIBOIA cruises. A one~ time commercial fisherman whose Weigand Fisheries was a leader on lake Erie, Ed retained his enthusiasm for the lakes and sailing long after the fishery business was gone. The Ann Arbor Railroad has been granted permission by the Inter- state Commission to Frankfort-Menominee Commerce abandon its service. Stoddard White of The Detroit News reports the HURON Lightship may be withdrawn from service.