LA Suenly Bob Zeleznik recalls with nostalgic words and photos a beloved fleet CD III backs away from the dock | wenty years ago this sprin a} the D&C fleet was being fit ted out for what was to be the las season. They started out with fiv ships: GREATER DETROIT, CITY OF DE PROIT III, CITY OF CLEVELAND IIT EASTERN STATES and WESTERN STATES. A ship left Detroit or Cleveland a 10:30 each evening, arriving at th other end of the route at 6 the nex mornings The cruise service had GREATER DE TROIT leaving each Monday at 1 p.m from the foot of Third in DetMA: for Mackinac Island, Harbor Spring and arriving at 3 p.m. Wednesday i Chicago. GREATER DETROIT, larges’ paddlewheeler in the world, lef Chicago at 10 p.m. and with stops a Mackinac Island and the soo, arrive back in Detroit at 10 a.m. Saturday. GREATER DETROIT, largest paddlewheel