- The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 25, No. 2 October, 1970 A flood of vessels poured out of Great Lakes shipyards during World War I and the earliest of these were vessels already under construc- tion, most of them for the Cunard Line, which were requisitioned by the United States Shipping Board for American Flag service. The tev. Edward J. Dowling, S.J., in his comprehensive listing of "The ‘Lak- ers' o: World War I," reports that these were given “War" names in keeping with British tradition but later many o* them were renamed with "Lake" names. Above we have an example from the collection of the late John E. Pooie, former president of the Marine Historical Society of Detroit. As shown it bears the name "Lake Crystal," but the name when launched in 1918 by the Great Lakes Engineering Works at Ecorse was "War Sphinx." Fr. Dowling reports that the engines were removed by Ford in 1929 and she foundered off Watch Hill, -\.1., in 1946.