Cee. The pig iron cargo is being un- loaded off the sunken EASTOLIFFE HALL because the insurance con- pany won't pay off unless it is salvaged. Originally the cargo was to stay in the hold to keep it anchored securely. There's good news and bad news about the last of the pigboats, METEOR. The good news is that she passed her 5-year inspection at Manitowoc. The bad news is that she hasn't yet returned to service. The tug GENERAL £. M. MARKHAM is at Escanaba awaiting conversion to diesel. She was towed from Detroit by the tug ALPUNA. Also at Escanaba is MARINE CRUISER, an old minesweeper. Does anyone know who owns her? SOUTH AMSRICAN is shipyard with her engines out and right beside her they are reconditioning a Navy barge for use as a floating hotel for the Seafarers' International Union. That about ends all hope of the SOUTH ever being used for this. in Coloma's Hall Corp. has a big oil con- tract to supply Detroit #dison's Delray Plant. Bethlehem and Pickands-Mather are reported to be close to an- nouncing plans for a 4 million ton per year pellet plant for Hibbing, Minn. At Cornwall there's talk of pre- serving part of the old canal with a canaller in it -- just for old times' sake. The Merchant Marine the Soo is short may have to close. Library at of funds and Bulk shipments on the Lakes to Sept. 1 were the best since 1966 with ore, coal and grain all up over last year. Lag The Seaway may see its first 50- million-ton year if trade keeps up at the present rate. As of Sept. 1, tonnage was up 59% in ig of general cargo being 15% own. On Oct. 1 Burlington Northern's Allouez Dock at Superior cele- brated shipping their billionth ton of ore. Opened in 1892, the dock had loaded 97,891 boats by the end of the 1969 season. The Pointe Aux Pins lighthouse on the St. Marys has been torn down and replaced by an automat- ic "fire cracker" type of light. The fog bell from that station is to be taken to a museum in Parry Sound. Tanker CORPUS CHRISTI (a.HCRACE S.WILKINSON, b.BELGIUM, c.MICHI- GAN, d. TEXACO MICHIGAN, e. TRINA) has been sold to West Indies Transport Co., and renamed the WITSUPPLY. The Liberian saltie PREVEZA was seized at the Snell Lock Oct. 3 by St. Lawrence County deputies on a warrant of attachment by a New York company in an owner- ship dispute. She was upbound with general cargo for Duluth. The National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration (NOAA) has taken over the Weather Bur- eau and Lake Survey. ‘Whatever happened to ESSA? Ore demand is fading so we pro- bably will see quite a few lay- ing up in November, although U. S. Steel still says they will run 7 or 8 boats late, perhaps until Feb. 1. at Taconite Harbor produced its hundred millionth gross ton of pellets about Oct. 1. The plant started in 1957. Dave Glick and Hal Jackson Erie Mining )