os ue ue te oS es oe ee. ee ey eee oe ew look of carferry service at Sarnia. iHYLLIG YORK pushing a M@rail barre the day after Christmas. NANGARET YORK had not yet arrived. The photo was made by Hichard Wicholis who reports that the stranse looking towboats are 99.9 feet long and have 3,000 horsepower to handle the rail bar::es in the swift current encountered between Sarnia and Port Huron. The ferry service will open officially Mar. 11 Calendar of Events Sat. Mar. 20 Annual banquet meeting 6:30 p.m., Sveden House, 31230 Harper at 13-Nile, St.Clair Shores. Slide program by Harry Wolf, official photosrapher on SOUTH AMB2ICAN, Sat. Apr. 17 Sarnia Public Library. Program to be announced.