ut SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE The following is an alphabetical list of the ships that have been written up in the Detroit Marine Historian from Volume 2,number 3 until the present,Volume 24,number IT (July 1971), The Ships That Never Die booklet (paperback) ’ was put out by the Society in 1952 and included the first 45 of the articles about the ships, Ships here are listed under the name thet was featured in their write-ups as well as in the service which was featured in the write-up, For example: WILMETTE is lésted under "Navy-Government Vessels" as this is the way She was written up and pictured,even though she was built as the Passenger steamer EASTLAND, Each ship will be followed by her date of build, an asterisk(*) if she was included in the booklet, the number of the Ships That Never.Die article,the Volume number and the issue number of the Marine Historian in which the article appeared, For example: ALABANA-1910" #29...5/3; The steamer Alabama, built in 1910 Appeared in the booklet and was article 29 in volume 5,number 3 of the Detroit Marine Historian, PASSENGER VESSELS Alabama -1910* #29,.,,5/3 Alaska -1878 #37.,.5/6 Algoma ~1883 #66,..8/10 America -1897 "#130, tu/12 Ariel -1881* #7,..2/9 Arizona =1889 * #9451 25/5 Arrow - 1895* Saar y, 15 Asia -1873% erat: f1 Assiniboie #114,,,14/6 Atlantic -1849% #36.,.5/10 Baltic -1867 #134.,,16/2 California -1873 eis, 80/6 Campana -1873 #68,,.9/2 Carolina ~1892 * #12,,,3/6 Cayuga -1906* #33...5/7 Champlaine #78,,.10/2 Chicora ~1864 pb, 6/8 Chippewa -1884* #25,,, 4/9 pager -1901 #118... th/10 Alpena -1893 #74,..9/8 City City City City City City City City City City City city City City city City City city hty of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of Benton Harbor -1904 #84.,.10/8 Buffalo -1896 #71...9/5 Chatham -1888 # Chicago -1890 #50 Collingwood -1895 eer dG 109.. AY4/1 0..,7/4 Detroit -1878 #96.,.11/1 Dover -1916 #119, iw Ad Erie -1898 #73 9/7 Grand Rapids aeeae #26.. Hancock -1901 ieee ji2 Holland -1893 # London -1865 #1 Milwaukee -1881 Racine (See Ari South Haven -1903* #9,..3/1 #305 32/2 Toledo -1891* LS 18/2 ae 2/7 Mackinac -1883 #92,,.11/6 Mackinac -1893 # 74...9/8 #85... zone) 10/9 Cumberland -1871 #99.,.12/3 Dalhousie City -1911 #115...14/7 Duchess of York -1895 #112...14/4 Favourite zany AUOY. wate Garden City -1892 Pain’ Germanic -1898 #156..,18, Erie L.Hackley ney #9500 «11/9 Hamonic -1909* #30.. Fannie C.Hart -1888 S80 | 42/3 Huronic -1901* #1L » 3f Illinois -1899* #38.,,6/2 India -1871 #70...9/4 Indiana -1890* #19...4/3 Iowa -1896 #116,,,14/8 Iroquois -1901 #56...7/10 Isle Royale -1885 mee ees tT Juniata -1905* #8...2 Kingston -1901* Hb 3/7 Frank E,Kirby -1890* #2,..2/4 Lady Elgin -1851* #28...5/2 Lawrence -1868 #79...10/3 Elisha Lee -1892 #53...7/7 Macassa -1888 Ma ibis Magnet -1847 #101,,,12/5 Majestic -1895 #48...7/2 Manitoba -1871 #79...10/3 Manitoba -1889%#47.,.2/2 “es Manitou -1893* #6, 2/8 Manitoulin -1889 #ol, 11/8 Missouri -1904* #38,,,6/2 Monarch -1890 #58...8/2 Montauk ee aa Nevada -19 eee _ Newfoundland Cruiser -1926 #147..17/ Noronic -1913* #39...6/3 , Northern Belle -1875 #97...12/1