The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 25, No. 2 13951 Faust, Detroit, Michigan 48223 October, 1971 a LS kX OM DA” SWAN BX NA tripped to the bare hull, the replica of the NONSUCH which the Hudson's Bay Co., had built to commemorate their tercentenary, 2m is placed on wheels for her 3,000-mile journey overland from Superior, Wis., to Seattle where she will be fitted out for next .sum- mer's sailing on the West Coast. Her route will take her across Min- nesota, along the Trans-Canada Highway across the Canadian prairies, south from Lethbridge, Alta., to Montana, across northern Idaho and the State of Washington. About a year later she will be returned to Winnipeg to become feature exhibit in the Museum of Man and Nature.