2 Stee LOG ow Hanna's latest monthly vessel report shows 132 U.S. lake ves- sels in operation with a capa- city per trip of 2,071,585 gross tons (an average of 15,694 per vessel). This was BC (Before the Cort). Final payment was made on the ferry DRUMMOND ISLANDER II leav- ing it debt-free. Her sister, DRUMMCND ISLANDER I, is an ice- breaker but setting older. some thought is being given to either strengthening the DRUMMOND IS- LANDER II or purchasing a re- placement for No. I with winter potential. Through efforts of U.S. Rep.John A. Blatnik (R-Minn.) plans are being formed for a U.%S.-funded Duluth-Superior harbor pollution control program for shipboard wastes at more than #1 million. This would serve as a_ blueprint for all lake harbors and include a "unified total treatment sys- tem" for all wastes such as sew- age, garbage, ballast water, ac- cidental spills, etc. While on the subject of pollution, the Coast ard has informed the City of Cheboygan that it will ase facility at its area if the city will let bids for its construction. Poor Capt. "Luke" Pharris, of the MACKINAW, which brought all of this about, suffered asain. While the MACKINAW was at the Soo taking on supplies, someone stole his upholstered swivel chair from the bridze, leeving only four »oolt holes in the deck. GLENEAGLES was held in the ice off Conneaut for 26 hours until cut loose by QUETICO and entered Ashtabula at 6:30 p.m. April 9. Lake Carriers Associstion has elected four new members to the board of trustees: R. McInnis (V.P. of P-M), Robert i. Moran (Mer. Bethlehem Great Lakes Dvn) R. D. Thompson (Sr. V.P.Oglebay Norton) and C.H. Stuber (Sr.V.P. Cleveland Tankers). FRANK SHERMAN opened Thunder Bay on April 15 after consider,ble difficulty. CG SUNDEW had to provide ferry service to Drummond Island the night of April 17, transporting 143 passengers when the Drummond Island ferry suffered a power failure. BEEGHLEY's newly-added hatches are numbered 16 through 19 for a new total of 25 hatches. Republic boats under charter to Cleveland Cliffs are still in Republic colors. RESEARCHER (AmShip-Toledo built) locked up at St. Lambert April 25 for Rochester, N.Y., part of Canadian-American program on ec- ology etc., on Lake Ontario this year. Kinsman announced new iron ore shipping rates on April 24 as 32.37 per gross ton from Duluth to lower lakes; 52.13 from Mar- quette to lower lakes; $1.78 Es- canaba to Detroit and {$1.42 Escanaba to lower Lake Michizan. Periods longer "than normal dis- charge" (24 hours or less) will bring a 10% per gross ton venal- ty charge. Increase was neces- sary because wages in vessel in- dustry increased 14% last year, fuel costs up 50% and towing charges up 31% in the last three years. P-M had announced an in- crease last March then quietly rescinded the hike. Coast Guard helicopter lifted Capt. Patrick J. McMahon from i.E. BLOCK April 27 on Lake Sup- erior, flew him to Soo Hospital suffering chest pains. Or