POOLE COLLECTION VESSEL INFORMATION #4 B. L. WEBB - Prepeller Cleveland Evening Herald - September 16, 1856: Propeller B.L. Webb is the name of a new propeller built by Jenkins & Co. at Detroit for Detroit & Lake Superior Iron Co. 900 tons. 190' overall x 36' x 13'. Has two upright high-pressure engines 24" diameter. Detroit Free Press - September 28, 1856: Propeller B. L. Webb was launched September 27, 1856, at Russell's yard. She has two upright high-pressure engines 24" diameter x 36" stroke by Detroit Locomotive Works. She is 190' overall x 36' x 13', 900 tons. Keel was laid July 10, 1856. Cleveland Plain Dealer - November 18, 1856: New propeller B. L. Webb burned at Whiskey (Waiska) Bay Thursday (November 13). She is a new one and was on her first trip to Lake Superior. The commander of the Webb was also in command of two fine steamers lost on the Lakes, the Albany and E. K. Collins, Captain Jones. Underwriters - 1856: Propeller B. L. Webb broke machinery and subsequently took fire and was totally burned in November, 1856. One man froze to death. Hull, $50,000. Cargo, $15,000. Detroit Free Press - July 7, 1857: Steamer Mineral Rock arrived y day with the hulk of the B. L. Webb which will be rebuilt. (Editor's Note: Webb was rebuilt, came out as propeller Marquette in 1859 (US 16317); was reduced to a barge in 1870, and was abandoned in 1888.) == Coming Events —<— The Society's next general meeting will be held at 8 P.M. on Friday, November 11, at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Belle Isle. Vice President Hal Jackson honor us with another evening of his outstanding tug slides. Guests ane welcome. The Detroit Marine Historian is published monthly in the U.S.A. by the Marine Historical Society of Detroit Incorporated, a non-profit educational group dedicated to the preservation of the maritime history of the Great Lakes. Dues are $3 per year. Editor President Treasurer CURTIS HASELTINE REV. PETER VANDER LINDEN ROBERT POCOTTE 13951 Faust pei Elmira 521 Wilcox Detroit, Detroit, Clare, Michigan, 48223 Michigan, 48239 Michigan, 48617 PHESSEESSEOSD