a Alan Mann recently acquired some glass negatives and quite naturally hurried to have prints made. He found he had some very good and in- teresting photos, including one of the little passenger steamer CITY OF CHATHAM which used to operate in Mann's Wallaceburg-Chatham area many years agoOe But his prize is this unidentified vessel with its unusual midships stack and engine section. The name consists of two initials and a six or seven-word name. Can anyone identify her? A BONUS for those who took the Bob-Lo steamer COLUMBIA to Port Huron on July 4 was this sight -- Erie Sand's stack mark on the former Boland & Cornelius self-un- loader J.F. SCHOELLKOPF JR. It was our first indication of the change in ownership. Officers for 1973-1974 President Hal Jackson Vice President The Rev. Ray Donahue Secretary Robert A. Zeleznik Treasurer Robert Pocotte Editor Curtis Haseltine Archivist Dr. Richard Wright