Fore and aft views of the PAUL THAYER by Al Sweigert pro- vide us with the details we need to 4 (a Se 2 make sure of iden- PP ay te tification from a CLEVELAND. OHIO distance. How can 4 we distinguish her from the ROESCH? ooooo 1903 In Memory of KEITH F. SMITH 1974 In recent weeks our Society lost one of its oldest members, Keith Smith, of Linden, Mich., joined the Society early in 1945 at the be- hest of his twin brother, the late Kenneth E. Smith, who was our President at that time. In the intervening 29 years Keith had been a very loyal and enthusiastic member, although we saw less of him than of his brother because Keith alway3 resided away from the Metropoli- tan Detroit area, Nevertheless he came regularly to the annual din- ner meetings and to other special events, As a ship hobbyist, Keith specialized in passengers ships, on which subject he was well inform ed and possessed a very complete collection. His quiet presence and gracious manner will be missed among us. EJD